
New Tips To Keep Your Skin Safe From The Sun

Sunscreen lotions and creams provide more even coverage than sprays and tend to be absorbed less through the skin, which is what we should aim for. Unfortunately, millions of people continue to bask in the sun because they just don’t believe skin cancer will ever happen to them. “Anything more than that, you think you’re getting more than you really are, but it doesn’t block much more of the rays”. Prevent skin cancer and make this summer sun safe. How, though, do you know which one to pick? Ask a partner to look at hard-to-see areas like the back or neck. Of course, there are the chemical emollients and skin softeners, like petrolatum and dimethicone, and synthetic fragrance and preservatives you want to avoid. One of the best ways is to use sunscreen properly.


When buying a moisturiser, make sure it has SPF in it, as SPF products are created to filter, reflect or absorb harmful UVA and UVB rays. And with school about to let out (or did it for you already?), kids are going to be soaking up rays in general. This year’s Sun Awareness Week is Monday, June 6 to Sunday, June 12, and involves a number of events and activities across Canada, including free skin cancer screenings, community events, and school visits by dermatologists.

Ultraviolet radiation, in the form of UVA and UVB rays, is sunlight that penetrates the atmosphere and damages your skin, eyes and immune system, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Do this instead: Search EWG’s Guide to Sunscreens for a product that fits your family’s needs, and choose a sunscreen with zinc or titanium dioxide as the active ingredient. “Well 20, 30 years later they’re in here; unfortunately, having skin cancers removed”.

This sunscreen is infused with antioxidants to improve the skin’s condition and will allow it to look healthy with its sheer texture. “Non-melanoma cancer, which is basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer, is very common”.

Don’t seek to tan, from the sun or from tanning beds, and avoid sunburns.

Summer means time at the pool, hanging out in the backyard and lots of outdoor play.

Q: How much sunscreen should I use?

TRUTH: Any hour of the day isn’t safe.

UVA rays cause pigmentation and photoageing, while UVB rays cause tanning and skin cancer.

If you have sensitive skin that often reacts to fragrances or preservatives, or if you’d rather use natural products that are kinder to the environment, there are plenty of sunblock options available.

Only products with an SPF 15 or higher are considered “protective” by the FDA.

The work was supported by a 2013 review of existing public messages undertaken by the Ontario Sun Safety Working Group, which was completed in consultation with a scientific panel.


TRUTH: Even if you use sunscreen, your body still will get vitamin D, and you need less time in the sun than you think to reach your vitamin D levels: about 15 minutes. With an SPF range of 25-35, it possesses powerful protective qualities against harmful UV exposure with next to no substantial research showing adverse effects on health (4, 5).

Sun safety and sunscreen selection tips