
New trailers for ‘Justice League’, ‘Wonder Woman’ and more

At San Diego’s Comic-Con, Warner Bros. surprised the audience with a trailer for Justice League – and it ain’t some measly teaser either.


“It’s Bruce Wayne”, Affleck says, as the entire crowd at Comic-Con lost its mind.

DC has hit a few stumbling blocks in its attempt to play catch-up with Marvel’s cinematic universe including the response to Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Wonder Woman isn’t the only movie getting early exposure at this year’s Comic-Con.

And, finally, DC ends its day with a trailer for The LEGO Batman Movie that explains the origin of a Michael Cera-voiced Robin. Warner Bros only released a very general story line.

Snyder and the cast teased “Justice League”, which is now in production and not set to hit theaters until November 2017.

Suicide Squad comes out on August 5, The LEGO Batman Movie on February 10, Wonder Woman on June 2, and Justice League on November 17, 2017. Partners Batman and Wonder Woman collab to recruit the Justice League to defeat their most powerful enemy of all time.

Shortly after the release of the first teaser trailer for Justice League, official logos for each team member-Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg-were revealed via the film’s official Facebook, Twitter, and Instgram accounts.

The big fans of comic books, though, may be trying to either catch up on all of the Justice League comics or some beginners may be looking to get into that life.


According to some reports, the superhero also known as Hal Jordan will not be a part of the first Justice League (JL) movie. After watching this trailer I am much more optimistic about Snyder’s third DC outing though, so here’s hoping the finished film is just as entertaining as this clip.

New Justice League Trailer Direct from ComicCon!