
New Trump ad takes aim at Cruz

Mild-mannered Iowa GOP Gov. Terry Branstad said Cruz had to be defeated for opposing government support of ethanol.


“I would note at that time, right in the middle of the fight, Donald Trump was publicly supporting amnesty”.

Spencer Zwick, the top fundraiser for Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, told The Washington Post that a number of “power brokers and financiers” are attempting to build relationships with Trump, many reaching out through Wall Street connections.

Cruz is considered the strongest GOP challenger to Trump, after polls showed him having a slight lead over Trump in Iowa in December, according to RealClearPolitics averages, but he’s now fallen to second place.

A CNN/ORC poll released Thursday found Trump leading his main opponent, Texas Sen. “Now, when he launched his campaign for president, suddenly he discovered illegal immigration was a problem”.

“Donald is getting rattled. I mean, what he’s running [as is] someone who’s a populist, who’s upset about the direction of this country”. “This guy, he’s a maniac”, Trump said as he opened his remarks. “At every event, instead of actually talking about what he wants to do for the country, he just kind of stands up there and attacks me the whole time”, Cruz said.

“Donald Trump is simply trying to distract voters from his own support of amnesty, ” Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said.

Not everyone Cruz meets on the campaign trail is completely on board with his harsh immigration policies.

All of that has Cruz slamming the billionaire celebrity as being part of the Washington establishment, insinuating that Washington insiders are coalescing behind Trump.

Palin described Trump as the presidential candidate who will help the USA troops defeat the ISIS and help return America to its past glory, BBC News reports.


“It wasn’t the best week for Cruz, but I think he was able to turn the Branstad anti-endorsement at least partially to his advantage by presenting it as evidence that Ted Cruz is the candidate the establishment fears”, said Mark P. Jones, political science professor at Rice University. He was somebody who could “probably work with Congress because he’s, you know, he’s got the right personality and he’s kind of a deal-maker”. “I think America would be in trouble if any of them got to be president of the United States”. “Then again, everything that’s going on with Trump is something we haven’t really seen before”.