
New Trump campaign chief once made case to legalize undocumented immigrants

Trump’s campaign underwent a major shake-up, it was reported Wednesday, bumping up senior adviser and pollster Kellyanne Conway to campaign manager and hiring Steve Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News and a former investment banker. In another CNN interview, Conway bemoaned Trump’s feud with Cruz in which Trump tweeted an unflattering photo of Cruz’s wife, calling it “out of proportion – and it also seems to me to be beside the point of what really matters”.


Politically she has ties to a number of Trump’s surrogates through previous work, including Trump’s vice presidential pick, Gov. Mike Pence, and former rivals like Sen.

The veteran pollster acknowledged polling now shows Trump behind in the race, but said it’s to his advantage. “Sure, I don’t like Steve, I think he’s a jerk”. “It lights a fire under us and reminds us what we need to do to get this done”, she said. Conway went on to explain what she saw as Hillary Clinton’s weaknesses – what candidate Trump hopes to exploit – pointing out that Clinton was having a hard time getting “these young women in the Democratic primaries”.

“His bluntness and his candor is not what Utahns are used to in elected officials, but I think that there’s nothing wrong with candor”, Hughes said.

Kellyanne Conway, who was named Trump’s campaign manager Wednesday morning, co-authored a 2014 polling memo for the pro-immigration group touting the benefits of a sweeping overhaul bill that would have created a 13-year pathway to citizenship for roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Emails to Conway and the Trump campaign were not immediately returned.

“The more competitive you can make the presidential race, the more it’s going to help down-ballot races”, said Ian Prior, spokesman for outside groups linked to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, which have already spent almost $30 million on Senate races with another $40 million reserved for the fall. “Next week is immigration week, followed by education week”.

But the structure of Trump’s new leadership team is likely to leave the business mogul where he has always been – in charge – as those around him compete for influence. “It’s a natural progression of things, a financier who wants to be involved in presidential campaign turning to the nominee”. “Let him be him, in this sense”.

“We feel when it comes to the issues, we’ve really never had such a contrast election”.

If Trump wins, (Bannon is) in a position of high power; if Trump loses, Bannon could head up a new media empire with Trump’s support and the involvement of new Trump supporter and ousted former Fox News head Roger Ailes. You have to win the argument every day.

“She is knowledgeable, and she is knee-deep in Republican politics”, Ordille said.

Shapiro resigned in March, saying Breitbart had shaped the website into “Trump’s personal Pravda” and had failed to defend one its own reporters who said she’d been roughed up by Trump’s then-campaign manager.

With his new leadership team promising a sharper message, Donald Trump on Thursday moved to invest almost $5 million in battleground state advertising.

He says Trump can fire their missiles, but where will they land? “I’m a huge proponent in the ground game, in building a campaign from the bottom up”.


Trump’s campaign announced earlier that it would finally begin airing its first ads of the general election next week in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. “If you start pivoting, you’re not being honest with people”.

Republican Donald Trump shaking up campaign