
New UK Prime Minister And Political Party Battles

Britain’s new prime minister, Theresa May, has pledged to fight against “burning injustice” and govern for everyone “not for the privileged few”.


Mr Letwin said that because the European Union had led trade talks with other countries since 1973, “we do not have trade negotiators”, adding: “Trade negotiators who are Brits at the moment are basically working for the European Union”.

Conservative Party leader Theresa May today became only the second woman in United Kingdom history to be appointed as country’s Prime Minister after she accepted an invitation to govern from Queen Elizabeth II.

“Following the referendum, we face a time of great national change”, May said.

“It’s not only in London’s interest, it’s in the interest of the European Union as well”.

Addressing the nation on the steps of 10 Downing Street, she vowed to stand up for the many against “the privileged few” and railed against the inequality which holds back the most disadvantaged in society.

Like Mr Cameron, Mrs May campaigned to remain in the European Union but has said she will respect the will of the people, as expressed in 23 June’s referendum, saying: “Brexit means Brexit”. However, she has refused to be rushed on the timetable.

Earlier the Queen accepted Mr Cameron’s resignation as prime minister.

“And as we leave for the last time, my only wish is continued success for this great country that I love so very much”.

The former Home Secretary visited Buckingham Palace this afternoon, where the Queen officially asked her to form a new government.

Along with overseeing European Union negotiations, May will need to unite a nation deeply divided over the referendum where 52% voted to leave and 48% to remain. He gambled, and he lost.

“Based on the public comments we’ve seen from the incoming prime minister, she intends to pursue a course that’s consistent with the prescription that President Obama has offered”, said Josh Earnest, the White House spokesman.

Ms May has run Britain’s home office for six years, dealing with policing, immigration and other tough issues. The daughter of a Church of England pastor, she is cricket fan with a sober demeanor who lists her hobbies as cooking and walking.

She has been MP for Maidenhead, the well-to-do commuter town west of London, since 1997 and was previously chairman of the Conservative party.

Ms May is well known to Irish ministers who have had many dealings with her in her years as British Home Secretary.

Amber Rudd is the new home secretary, David Davis has been given the new role of Brexit secretary and Liam Fox becomes global trade secretary.


May ditched finance minister George Osborne, Cameron’s closest ally, and appointed former foreign secretary Philip Hammond to the job instead, charging him with the task of calming fears over the potential damage of leaving Britain’s biggest market.

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Today World Theresa May becomes new UK prime minister
By In Serbia with agencies- Jul 14 2016 65