
New urgency for Cleveland security after France truck attack

U.S. Secret Service officials say security planning for the Republican and Democratic national conventions took into account large-scale terrorism threats like the vehicle attack that occurred in France. Instead of the convention, he plans to address the NAACP gathering in Cincinnati on Sunday, a meeting Trump is skipping, and the governor will hang out with Ohio’s delegates at the Rock and Roll of Fame and Museum at a reception Tuesday.


Brian Jack is Donald Trump’s national delegate director.

While state Republicans split the bulk of their votes among Cruz, Trump and Florida Sen.

It sort of feels surreal that we are going to be at the Republican National Convention.

Wayne Richard, a Trump supporter who lives in Plano, likes Trump’s pick.

“I will proudly cast my vote for Gov. Kasich and will not support Mr. Trump”, Orr said Friday.

“While it will be a little insane, I am confident that this convention will be one of the best conventions that the republican part has ever had”, says 18-year-old William Carter who will represent the 1st District of Georgia at the convention alongside two other delegates.

Those votes all but ended the effort to quash Trump’s coronation at the convention that starts Monday – and sent a signal that Trump’s campaign is in command of the four-day event. He said the vacancy on the Supreme Court as a result of the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia is also critical as the GOP wants a Republican president to nominate a successor.

The rules committee could unbind the delegates by way of making a rule (which needs to be ratified by the entire convention).

“I think the chances numerically are just nonexistent”, Saphir said.

“Well”, Herbert finally says, “I don’t think he’s going to go any lower”. “Whether you like or dislike Trump, it’s how the rules were set up, and it’s how the election came out”, he said.

The difficulty of achieving those goals is compounded by Trump’s surprising success with Republican voters as an outsider to the establishment as he prepares to become the GOP standard-bearer on Thursday night in Cleveland.

“I actually think if Utah is as competitive in the fall as it looks today, Trump won’t go to the state, and he shouldn’t”, Todd said.

Delegate Bob Vander Plaats, head of the Family Leader and a strong Cruz backer, said in a recent conversation he had with the Texas senator that Cruz is focused on giving a speech at the convention but did not “see himself being put into the nomination process”.

Young said that Trump is expected to speak on multiple days during the convention, as well as his adult children and wife Melania Trump.

She’ll be one of about 2,300 alternate delegates from around the country, joining with 2,470 Republican delegates and thousands of visitors and media in the downtown Cleveland area.

But among other Cruz backers, the sense was that Trump won and there’s not much else to do but head to Cleveland and make him the official Republican presidential nominee.

“Everybody’s sentiment now is we’re 100 percent behind the nominee, Donald Trump”, Graham said.


“I think every campaign is very divisive”.

Donald Trump gives a thumbs-up as he speaks at campaign stop in Portland Maine