
New York murder rate surges 10 per cent

Asked about the increased murder rate and what he would say to some who believe the city is going downhill, Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters on Tuesday: “Look at the facts and stop the hysteria”.


Comedian Louis C.K. attends the premiere of “Top Five” at the Ziegfeld Theatre on Wednesday, December 3, 2014, in New York.

According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, 53 percent of voters say they are seeing more homeless people on the streets than they did a few years ago. They also noted that his approval rating rebounded after taking a dip after some charter school allies unleashed a similar ad campaign a year ago.

“This is a mayor who focuses on the fundamentals New Yorkers care about, not political chatter”, mayoral spokesman Wiley Norvell said in response to the poll.

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s poll numbers hit a new low Wednesday, with a plurality of New Yorkers saying he does not deserve a second term. And de Blasio was widely portrayed as having done an 11th hour about-face after authorizing the hiring of 1,300 more police officers after first balking at that budget request for months.

The mayor’s fellow Democrat and rival, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, meanwhile, has a 58 percent job approval rating with a 36 percent disapproval rating, the poll showed.

Wolfson wrote, “Amazing. Guy who ran on ending “two cities” has a bigger gap btwn white and AA approval (32 points in new Q poll) than Bloomberg ever did”.


Playing an important factor in the way how people feel about de Blasio, voters – by a majority of 53-37 percentage points -think his involvement in national issues is distracting him from his duties as mayor. On the other hand, white voters strongly oppose four more years of De-Blasio’s-NY.

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