
New York’s Bernie Delegates Say They’re Treated Unfairly

“She’s been fixing endorsements right and left and I’ll say, from the moment I jumped into this race when I go to appear at the local Democratic club meeting or local union hall, the word had been passed along from Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s staff not to let this man speak”. She insisted the debates were meant to maximize viewership – a claim that the Politifact fact-checking organization rated false – and critics concluded the schedule was meant to give Clinton an advantage over the less-well-known Sanders.


Here’s what you need to know about the leak.

We felt the same way in 2007 when former Florida Sen. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a favorite of liberals and one of the party’s toughest critics of Trump, was also taking the stage. Crowdstrike, the firm that responded to the hack, tracks dozens of advanced cyberespionage operations, many affiliated with governments. Party officials learned in late April that their systems had been attacked after they discovered malicious software on their computers.

“There is a consensus among experts that it is indeed Russian Federation that is behind this hack of the DNC”, Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon told CNN Monday morning, arguing Russian Federation was trying to influence the outcome of the USA election.

While the government and Federal Bureau of Investigation haven’t officially pointed the finger at Russia, US officials briefed on the probe say the evidence so far points to groups known for conducting cyberintrusions for Moscow. Boos and jeers: DNC roiled by emails, chairwomanDemocratic Party officials say Russian intelligence agents are suspected in the hacking.

“They’re very open to trying new things”, Jenna Golden, Twitter’s director of political advertising, said of Trump’s campaign.

The party publicly acknowledged the hack in June.

The release of hacked Democratic National Committee emails revealed what had always been assumed – that DNC chair Schultz and top committee officials had abandoned traditional objectivity to back Hillary Clinton in her battle with Senator Sanders.

Elected to the House of Representatives in 2004, Wasserman Schultz, 49, began her tenure as head of the DNC in 2011.

Clinton will accept the Democratic nomination and deliver one of the biggest speeches of her political life – on par with declaring in China that “women’s rights are human rights” and more important than her 2008 concession speech in which she declared she’d placed “18 million cracks” in the glass ceiling.

In her first remarks since announcing her resignation on Sunday, the Florida congresswoman struggled to be heard in her Monday morning address before her home-state delegation.

That wish was granted after she was booed and heckled by her fellow Floridians.

Who is in charge now?

Brazile is the DNC’s vice chair for civic engagement and voter participation and is expected to become the interim chairwoman following Wasserman Schultz’s resignation. He said he hoped she would be stripped of her speaking role at the convention.

Other names for replacing Wasserman Schultz are also being floated. The prospect of additional leaks- perhaps of correspondence by the candidate herself- may be enough to tilt the election in favor of the GOP nominee, who Democratic leadership considers less a political opponent than a threat to national security and American democracy.


What was in the emails? How am I responsible for what they put in their emails? Another email suggests staffers were plotting to raise Sanders’ Jewish faith (or lack of faith) on the campaign trail. Debbie Wasserman Schultz should not look to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for support, its leaders said Monday.

US State Secretary John Kerry right talks to Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as they prepare to pose for a group