
“New York Times Stirs Things Up Again With ‘Green Pea Guacamole’ ” CBS

The New York Times kicked off the nationwide debate on Wednesday, brazenly posting a picture of English peas nesting alongside sunflower seeds atop a fresh guac glob. The backlash was fast and furious.


The indignity of peas in guacamole is so uncontroversial that even people named Bush and people named Obama are able to find common ground. Adding peas to your guacamole is a smart financial decision.

The message was clear: Don’t mess with guacamole.

Guacamole is a little dip that’s been causing a big firestorm and it’s New York Times journalist Melissa Clark who’s been feeling the Twitter heat. It’s not like anyone is advocating for a law to require all future guacamole to have peas. >The National Journal. He says they’re going to send the recipe to folks to whip up this weekend.

All we are saying is give peas a chance.

Obama, meanwhile, said the only things you should add are onions, garlic and hot peppers. However, one of my favorite TV guests, Stephanie Merchant, aka The Nutrition Mom shared a twist on the traditional guacamole, I got hooked, and it’s now my go-to. How can we trust you when the first sentence you wrote had “green peas” and “guacamole” in it?

The Times’s restaurant critic Pete Wells attempted to make a self-deprecating joke, threatening readers with ‘our chili con quinoa.’.


Nice try New York Times, but the rest of America simply isn’t buying this mushy peas hybrid guacamole anytime soon.

Obama's View on Guacamole Yes please but Hold the Peas