
Newt Gingrich defends Trump’s Star of David tweet

Trump’s staff removed the tweet and replaced it with an altered version, although Trump has continued to maintain that the star was meant to be a sheriff’s star or just a plain star. Instead, he mixed in his attacks on the presumptive Democratic nominee with a defence of the tweet, as well as his Tuesday night remarks complimenting former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as a killer of terrorists. “Dishonest media! #Frozen”, Trump’s tweet reads.


“I would have rather defended it”, Mr Trump said. According to a Fox News poll attached to the bottom of the image, 58 percent of people reportedly rated Clinton “corrupt” while the other 30 percent rated her “honest/trustworthy”.

Gingrich, who ran in for president in 2012, spoke before Trump, hammering the Justice Department’s decision to not charge Clinton over her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state. “Donald Trump again plays to the white supremacists”, he tweeted.

He was also criticised earlier this year for failing to immediately disavow David Duke, a leader of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, after receiving his endorsement.

Trump launched his campaign last summer with a speech that accused some immigrants from Mexico of being rapists and bringing drugs into the country. “They said, ‘Oh, it had money behind it.’ So actually they’re racially profiling”. “Ivanka married a Jewish guy who’s brilliant, who’s wonderful, who’s got a great heart”, Trump said. Thanks to Trump, he said, “for the first time it’s OK to talk about some of these issues that affect our survival”. He’s not bothered by the fact Trump dumped him as a delegate.

Yes, the point he’s trying to make is clear: you can use the symbol in a neutral way that doesn’t represent the Star of David.


Trump is not merely comfortable doing business with criminals and thugs – his habits of manipulating bankruptcy laws and swindling his partners have left him reliant upon, let us say, unconventional sources of investment, many of whom are the scum of the Earth.

Paul Ryan blasts Donald Trump tweet as 'ridiculous' and 'anti-Semitic'