
#NewYorkValues: New Yorkers hit back at Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz's jibe

Cruz said, “it’s been an interesting 24 hours, where Donald Trump, and [New York Governor] Andrew Cuomo (D), and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D), and Hillary Clinton, have all demanded an apology because, apparently, they’re unhappy about people acknowledging that they have embraced New York values”.


“I think most people know exactly what NY values are: socially liberal, pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, focused on money and the media”, he said.

Early on in the debate, held in North Charleston, South Carolina, Fox Business host Neil Cavuto turned to the issue of Cruz’s presidential eligibility, on which Trump had repeatedly cast doubts in recent weeks because the senator was born to an American mother in Calgary, Canada.

Speaking to reporters, Cruz repeatedly said “I apologize” to New Yorkers who have had to live with the consequences of liberal polices that have hurt their economy, but said his presidency would reverse those trends.

Cruz then proceeded, in detail, to attack Cuomo, the governor of New York, for his disapproval of fracking, the controversial energy extraction process, while also aiming his sights on de Blasio, New York City’s mayor, for his policies on taxes, charter schools and policing.

He also apologized to law enforcement, saying de Blasio stands instead with “looters and criminals”.

And he would have come away nearly unscathed had he not popped off about NY. “I think it’s a major game changer for Donald Trump, probably his finest moment in the campaign”, he said.

“New York is a great place”.

“According to the FEC (Federal Election Commission), Cruz has raised close to half a million dollars from NY donors this election cycle alone”, the pair wrote. “He has come here plenty of times to gain money for his campaign from people in NY”.

As it pertains to New York, Cuccinelli, who was born across the state line in New Jersey said, ‘Part of it is a grittiness and a tenacity, a pugnaciousness that has a great value, like after 9/11’. “And it was with us for months”.

Ever since Ted Cruz told America what he believes are “New York Values”, many New Yorkers – and many Americans – have been thoroughly outraged.

“We need a president who will take on the EPA”, Cruz said. But not long ago, as a number of our readers have pointed out, it was Cuomo himself who said that pro-life activists “have no place” in NY. Donald Trump’s right in this case.


Trump responded by citing the city’s response to the September 11 attacks.

Ted Cruz