
Next Time: The Girl Who Died

The centrepiece of the kit is the current incarnation of the TARDIS, the Time Lord’s time (and space) ship, complete with all kinds of alien instruments and the classic blue Police Box exterior.


During the explanation, the Doctor puts on his guitar on and plays the famous “fate knocking at the door” theme from Beethoven’s 5th as Gold’s new, rock-inspired arrangement of the opening credits kick in.

Next week, we are set to begin the saga of Maisie Williams on the show. Remember not to blink while you’re assembling those ones. Specifically, the dimensionally transcendental TARDIS inside and out with minifigures and accessories representing the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors plus Clara Oswald, Weeping Angels and Daleks!

The story proper takes us to the past with the Doctor, Bennett, and O’Donnell (who knows a surprising amount about the Doctor, due to her time in military intelligence). She should have because after discovering Prentis is dead and the inscription is now present, she becomes the next victim. In the future, as the ghosts converge on Clara, Cass and Lunn in the same room as the suspended animation chamber, it pops open to reveal the very much alive Doctor who warns them he has a bad case of morning breath.

After the intro, we find The Doctor, O’Donnell and Bennet in Scotland 1890, where the ship originally crashed in the town. Losing ground, O’Donnell suggests splitting up and runs in a separate direction. Since Clara is the next on the list, the Doctor is focused on saving her if he can’t save himself. Their leader Odin loves a challenge and says he’ll give her village a sporting chance – the remaining few villagers can have a day to prepare themselves before The Mire return to finish them off. The Doctor realizes he has to die, but Clara refuses to accept that. Clara is next on the list, and he knows the Doctor will change history to save her, even though he did nothing to save O’Donnell.


O’Donnell’s ghost then conveniently makes her appearance back at the base and steals Clara’s phone. A lot of timey wimey wibbly wobbliness ensues especially when Bennett wants to save the still living O’Donnell which the Doctor forbids. Realizing that Lunn is the only one who didn’t read the alien message, Clara tasks him with retrieving the phone.

A LEGO TARDIS full of Doctor Who news (and questions)