
NFL, Debate commission deny rigging debates against Trump

That’s the same night of a “Monday Night Football” game.


On Sept. 26, the night of the first debate, ESPN will carry the Monday night game featuring the Falcons playing the Saints. In the same period, there are about 1,000 NFL football games.

Trump’s campaign is concerned that two debates are scheduled to take place on the same night as nationally-televised NFL games. It’s against two National Football League games. “I got a letter from the NFL saying, ‘This is ridiculous.'” An NFL spokesman said they would prefer a different debate schedule, but there was no letter to Trump.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is pushing to reschedule two presidential debates this fall.

Many will recall that Trump skipped a Republican primary debate because he was angry at a line of questioning by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said during the Democratic National Convention that he was skeptical that Trump would participate in the debates against Democrat Hillary Clinton this fall.

“I would ask… of my supporters to get away from the personality conflicts that media tries to bring forward and focus on the real issues impacting the American people”, Sanders continued.

Some view all this as Trump grasping for excuses to back out of the debates. That’s Trump pal Chris Christie’s home state of New Jersey versus Wisconsin, a state that could be in play for Trump in the general election despite his loss to Ted Cruz there in the primary. “We want the biggest”. But we want as many people to be involved in this process as possible, and that’s our posture.

‘It’s not semantics if you send me a letter versus make a phone call, ‘ Stelter said.

MILLER: He was notified by a source close to the NFL.

“I’ll tell you what I don’t like”.

The Clinton campaign did not immediately comment on Trump’s assertion. “I think they’ll be very interesting”.

DICKERSON: So, Mr. Chairman, are you saying you didn’t know that the debates were set for these debates? “That’s something we’ll be discussing as we go into negotiations”.

But the National Football League supposedly hasn’t written Trump, begging him to change the schedule. What evidence do we have of that?

Trump himself started a debate over the debates on Friday, when, in a tweet, he accused Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her party of “trying to rig the debates”. But, we know that’s not true, Jason.

PRIEBUS: Well, I think it’s – I don’t understand why we would have Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump debating each other, which is of interest to the entire country – I mean, let’s face it, this is an election like none we have ever seen.


Surely there is more than enough time to give this schedule a second look and move the debates to a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. The VP debates (a Sarah Palin-fueled spike in 2008 excepted) are typically the least-watched of any election cycle. Right? No problem at all finding days without conflicts.
