
NFL safety Nate Ebner makes Olympic history

Patriots safety and special teams whiz Nate Ebner has a good excuse for missing practice-and his National Football League comrades are in full support.


New England Patriots safety Nate Ebner is away from the team at the moment to pursue his dream of playing for the USA rugby team in the Rio Olympics. Belichick and the Patriots team as a whole have made no secret about their enthusiasm for Ebner’s Olympic participation.

Ebner is taking a leave from offseason football workouts to compete at the Olympics.

Pretty cool move by the heartless, arrogant, stony, standoffish Bill Belichick to shy away from the blue cutoff and into an Ebner tee.One of those feel-good stories from training camp before things get too serious. The first USA men’s rugby match is today at noon ET.


“We’re pulling for him to bring back something around his neck”. At the 2012 Olympics, Marquise Goodwin competed for the a long jumper before lining up for the Buffalo Bills as a wide receiver. He is schedule to run the 100m for Saint Lucia beginning on August 13.

Bill Belichick