
NFL will air domestic violence PSA during Super Bowl 50

While “we could close it out tomorrow if we wanted”, Moonves said at the time, the network was looking to fetch “north of $5 million a spot” shortly before Super Bowl Sunday. Kowalchek points out that the cost of a 30-second commercial during Super Bowl 50 sets a new record. Despite the size of this figure for such limited airtime, brands are not deterred. The ad agency says Super Bowl ad spending on Facebook jumped 15% in 2014 and 16% in 2015 compared to the previous Sunday.


Anthony Casalena, the founder and chief executive officer of website builder Squarespace, is preparing for the company’s third successive ad at the Super Bowl. Now, it’s must-watch viewing and draws a worldwide audience. “The demand is there and consumers are expecting more”. The Pepsi halftime show at the Super Bowl 2016 will feature Coldplay. It is the same group that benefited from last year’s ad, which depicted a woman calling 911 and pretending to order a pizza as she covertly alerts the operator that her abuser is in her house.

More recently, the then 27-year-old Rodgers led the Packers to a Super Bowl victory after the 2010 season and the expectation was that we would see him on the big stage again and again.

The commissioners of all four major United States sports (football, basketball, baseball and ice hockey) understand that a global audience brings financial potential.

As Super Bowl 50 starts on February 7, there will be a lot of us looking for some streaming links letting us watch the games for free. “Fans use social media to discuss how good the ads were in comparison to others”. They are simply fun ways to get everyone involved in the outcome of the game and makes it more fun at Super Bowl parties.

And that’s just to have the air time.

“The Super Bowl is just another excuse for people who aren’t interested in the game to drink up and eat unhealthy”, said Ben Arne.

Laying out roughly $5 million for a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl is a significant expense for financial services firm SoFi.

And with this addiction to the Super Bowl, I have this overwhelming need to justify what I like about the big game to anyone who will listen. “They’re effectively going to be shutting out Canadian advertisers during that very important program time”. In the USA none of the games has perimeter advertising and there’s no shirt sponsor.


But what if you’re outside the USA and want to stream it?

Confessions of a loyal, non-apologetic Super Bowl junkie