
Niantic responds to recent Pokemon Go changes… sort of

The astoundingly popular Pokémon Go mobile game was launched in the USA by Niantic Labs and Nintendo on July 6.


“We have been hearing the feedback loud and clear about the removal of the Battery Saver mode on iOS devices”, it said on the official Pokemon Go Facebook page. Nearly at the same time, Niantic also shut down a tracking patch.

Kaitlyn Covey has one Articuno and showed it during a Q&A Livestream open to everydoby. They said they didn’t know why it was gifted to them, but that they thought it was part of some odd promotion strategy, reports Siliconera. They did not say how many “Pokemon Go” players have the legendary bird but they speculated that it had to be several.

Furthermore, Niantic blocked a number of third-party apps created to help players track down Pokemon – including the hugely popular Pokevision, which showed exactly where Pokemon were and for how long. The suit goes on to claim that Pokemon Go’s issues aren’t relegated to West Orange, that the very nature of the title encourages people to maybe trespass a little. However, the excitement turned to disappointment and anger after the game’s tracker was apparently disabled, according to the Washington Post. Some reports suggested players have previously manipulated the game’s code to make legendary or other unseen Pokemon appear in the game.

However, the statement didn’t offer much hope for players lamenting the loss of Pokevision and other Pokemon-tracking apps.

The creator of mobile gaming phenomenon Pokemon Go is exploring more sponsorships by companies that want to attract character-hunting players to their businesses, the chief executive of developer Niantic Labs said on Tuesday. In fact, as we covered earlier on Thursday, one of the most useful features of Pokemon Go that had previously been removed due to glitches will soon be added back to the game.


The name of the player who claims to have an Articuno is Kaitlyn Covey. Please see our terms of service for more information.

Pokemon GO Update News: iOS and Android Gets Next Update