
Nice Terrorist Attack Photos: Tributes to the Victims

We’re going to have a presence at those.


“There was some empty part of the building. That was followed by what I thought were maybe gunshots”.

Damien Allemand, the paper’s correspondent, was quoted as saying: “People are running”.

Bouhlel was married with three children, they said.

Officers reportedly found guns and grenades inside the truck.

Condemning the terrorist attack in the French city of Nice that killed 84 people, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday stressed on the need to intensify “regional and worldwide efforts” to combat terrorism and violent extremism. Local newspaper Nice-Martin first named him.

Sian said it had been a “lovely atmosphere” on the prom last night and they had stayed there until after the fireworks had ended. Crowds flee in panic, taking shelter in shops, hotels or leaping off the elevated pavement onto the beach below.

While the boy’s family was out searching for the child, another woman, Rebecca Boulanger, posted on Facebook: “VERY IMPORTANT. They wanted to attack the unity of the French nation”.

Hours earlier, Hollande, who raced back to Paris from the south of France after the attack, had said the state of emergency would end in two weeks.

But finding out information was hard.

Police sources in Nice confirmed that the murderous two kilometre charge of the truck might have been even longer if it had not been for the courage of a member of the public.

The attack, which came eight months and a day after Islamic State gunmen and suicide bombers struck the French capital on a festive Friday evening, seemed so far to be the work of a lone assailant. “It wasn’t until it had all unfolded on the news that we realised how major it was”.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale tweeted: “Just catching up with the horrific news from #Nice”.

“Right afterwards, I personally saw 12 dead bodies, and it was already clear there would be more”.

“And suddenly I saw him picking up something like a cellphone”. He added he was “shocked and saddened by the appalling events in Nice, and the awful loss of life”.

At least 84 people died, including 10 children, after a man identified as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove the vehicle into the crowd in a suspected terror attack.

Investigators have not discovered any link between Bouhlel and terrorist groups.

Above: The lorry used in the attack in Nice.

People take a moment of silence to pay tribute to the victims of the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice, at Spanish parliament in Madrid, Spain, July 15, 2016.

“They have fireworks celebrations, thousands of tourists line the streets to see it as well”. People ran away from the truck, screaming, while the friend sought shelter on the other side.

“No matter who has carried it out, there can be no justification whatsoever regarding this inhumane killing of innocent people”, he wrote.

Isseri mourns the latest attack – – the third in France in 18 months.

Above: A scene from Nice immediately after the attack.

“If you’re visiting Nice, you’re walking the Promenade at some point”.


“We thought they were fireworks because it’s the 14th of July”.

France reels as Bastille Day truck attack kills 84 in Nice