
Nickelodeon, Hulu And Dailymotion to Bring Windows Apps to Xbox One

Probably thanks to some much more exciting news from Tesla, it went under the radar entirely.


Look out for more announcements relating to Anniversary Update features for Xbox One and gaming on Windows 10 at E3 2016 in June.

We knew that Microsoft was planning the Redstone update, and that they would detail its progress during the Build 2016 keynote yesterday, but they did surprise a few of us with the Windows 10 Anniversary Edition.

The new Windows 10 update is coming this summer to PCs, tablets, smartphones, their Xbox One console and the Microsoft HoloLens.

Microsoft hasn’t confirmed whether the feature will be compatible with Cortana for iOS and it’s now just for Windows 10 Mobile and Android handsets. Furthermore, Cortana can even fetch your text messages on Android right to your Windows 10 screen.

It’ll all be possible with Cortana, Microsoft’s personal assistant that’s already available on Android. Microsoft is still building Windows 10 for Mobile. The new firmware will also come with a Dev Mode to help create and optimise apps. In its blog, Microsoft explains that with the new update, any Xbox One console could become a developer kit allowing one to build new games. Added Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Windows and Devices Group, in a statement, “With Windows 10 now running on over 270 million active devices, we’re celebrating with our fans by delivering the Windows 10 Anniversary Update”.

Universal Windows Apps, and the limitations that games available on the Windows Store are stuck with, were one of the big talking points.

Microsoft is also encouraging more people to start developing apps and games by making the process easier.


However, this is one major step ahead at inviting more developers to work with them.

Microsoft pitches 'intelligent' conversations with computers