
Nicola Sturgeon to be sworn in as Scotland’s First Minister

Its chief executive, Martin Sime, said: “SCVO congratulates Angela Constance on her new cabinet secretary position”.


Nicola Sturgeon will announce her new cabinet after formally being sworn in as First Minister at the Court of Session this morning (Wednesday).

In an email to Sturgeon, Neil said: “I believe we have laid the basis for an ambitious programme of reform for the next five years, especially in relation to housing, planning and social security policy”.

“Education has become the defining political priority for the Scottish Government, and Parliament – something clearly exemplified by putting the education brief in the hands of Scotland’s Deputy First Minister, a hopeful sign of intent and ambition”, she said.

“Of particular note was your successful leadership of the equal marriage bill through the Scottish Parliament and the step change you led in social housing provision. It is important that, at this time of uncertainty and volatility in the agricultural industry, we have strong voices within Scottish Government that look to build on a food and drink sector success that has yet to connect with the farm gate”.

But Mr Lochhead wasn’t pushed, at least not publicly. Mr MacKay will also have responsibility for the constitution.

The finance role, which was previously carried out under a single portfolio held by Mr Swinney, has been split with Mr Mackay taking finance and Keith Brown now in charge of economy and jobs.

Two candidates for a move out – Alex Neil, a very mature politician and Secretary for Everything Else; and Richard Lochhead, the failing Rural Affairs Secretary – were earlier given the opportunity voluntarily to stand down.

Newbie SNP MSP, Jeane Freeman – a major figure in Woman For Independence – not the one under alleged suspicion of financial misappropriation – is also to be in the [door] frame, no doubt with Ms Sturgeon’s gender balance in mind.

She added: “The cabinet I have announced today will ensure our priorities of education and the economy are given fresh impetus; our public services are reformed and improved and we are able to respond to challenges such as climate change in the years to come”.

It has been reported that the First Minister has told Mr Lochhead he could be welcomed back to Government in the future.


Ms Cunningham will be responsible for proposals to tackle emissions, protect the environment and take forward the Government’s work on land reform.

Richard Lochhead