
Nikki Haley Enrages GOP Fringe With State of the Union Rebuttal

But on the broader issue of the state of public discourse, and America’s increasingly diverse identity, they could have finished each other’s sentences. He has been talking the past couple weeks about all the problems we have in the country and are facing the world.


A post speech CNN/ORC poll, of those who listened to Obama’s speech, gave the 44th president high marks. “If the country’s going to move forward, we all need to look in the mirror”.

HORSLEY: But Obama and Haley found common cause in their shared criticism of GOP candidate Donald Trump. “And it means welcoming properly vetted legal immigrants, regardless of their race or religion”, Haley said. Forty-eight percent said he has fallen short of expectations, compared to 33 percent who said Obama has met expectations and 18 percent who felt he has exceeded what they expected. “But I absolutely would sit down and talk with anyone that wanted to talk about it”. In their common plea for civility and cooler heads, Mr. Obama and Governor Haley each called on other forces to pay heed – the parties, the public, and, by implication, the media.

Haley talked about the growing frustration with government and said Republicans bear some of the blame. However, the choice seemed to divide the Republican party further, as Haley used the moment to call out her own party for having some of the “angriest voices” regarding immigration and for being irresponsible in their choice of words. We’ll pick somebody, but we’ll pick somebody who’s very good.

Haley spoke of her upbringing in rural SC as the child of Indian immigrants, in a family that “didn’t look like our neighbors” but believed in the American dream all the same.

Unlike Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush, Haley’s hit isn’t about immediately helping her in Iowa or New Hampshire -although it could help her vice presidential chances with an establishment nominee.

“She’s weak on illegal immigration, and she certainly has no trouble asking me for campaign contributions, ’cause over the years she’s asked me for a hell of a lot of money in campaign contributions”.

“And in this age of terrorism, we must not let in refugees whose intentions can not be determined”, Haley said, giving a call for fixing “our broken immigration system”.

Last June, in the wake of a domestic terrorist attack, Haley rose to national prominence by calling for the Confederate flag’s removal from South Carolina’s state capitol.

“Perhaps, if I weren’t running she’d be in my office asking for money”, Trump said.


Haley’s remarks received some rare praise from former Obama adviser David Axelrod, who tweeted, the “party of [House Speaker Paul] Ryan/Haley is a stark contrast to the party of Trump”.

Nikki Haley confirms Trump has one of 'angriest voices'