
Nintendo Knows It Needs to Do Better

Back in June during E3, an interview was conducted with president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aimé, and alistdaily has recently posted the full interview.


In terms of games, Fils-Aime touched on the frequency it releases new games at.

Lets Play Video Games’ sources – one of which is the same party who a year ago leaked the existence of DLC for Until Dawn that was later officially announced – also confirmed July’s Eurogamer report that the NX controller is basically a Wii U tablet with detachable sides. “Those are the critical lessons [.] You have to make sure people understand the concept, you have to make sure you’ve got a great library of games, and when you do that, you tend to do well”. Multiplayer games on Nintendo NX will support existing Wii Remote and Wii Remote Plus controllers, but this will be determined by the developer.

The business idea behind the concept will see the Wii Remote phased out over time, while allowing Nintendo to retain the same controller input. From Ubisoft’s initial dedication and then abandonment of the platform to THQ’s bankruptcy, everything went wrong for the Wii U when it comes to third-party support.

Hearing that awareness from Reggie Fils-Aime is very promising. To hear him say that the NX needs a “continuous beat of great new games” is exactly what every potential buyer wants to hear from Nintendo right now.

KitGuru Says: I really liked the Wii U and had some great times playing Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate and a few others, but it definitely isn’t the big victor that it could have been. Some of the games supposed to be launched on NX includes F-Zero^2, Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros Melee, Pokémon Gold, and Pokémon Silver.


There is a deafening silence that continues to surround Nintendo NX, with Nintendo still yet to date when they will reveal the “dedicated game platform”. It also meshes well with previous reports that Nintendo has a few of its big franchises on deck to join the NX within its first few months, as well as the rumor that the NX missed the 2016 holiday season not because the hardware wasn’t ready, but because the software lineup just wasn’t there yet. As of press time, Nintendo hasn’t issued any official comment on the rumored September product intro.

Detachable NX Controllers