
Nintendo loses billions in value after ‘Pokemon Go’ truth bomb

Well, ever since Pokemon Go became one of the biggest gaming phenomenons in history, Nintendo has benefited in a huge way, with their stock more than doubling in price in July.


Nintendo put out a statement on Friday that said the impact of “Pokemon Go” on its business results would be “limited”.

Pokemon GO was developed by US-based software developer Niantic, a San Francisco company famous for creating augmented reality mobile games like Ingress. The Pokémon Company, which owns the copyright to Pokémon, is a joint venture between Nintendo, Game Freak and development company Creatures.

“I believe that Pokemon GO will be material in the company’s earnings given the current trends for the game”.

The initial success of the game nearly doubled Nintendo’s stock, adding more than $20 billion to the company’s market value through to close last week. After the drop, Nintendo’s stock remained flat.

Hanke also says future versions of the game could include customizable PokeStops and the addition of other Pokemon characters. The Pokemon Company will receive licensing fees and compensation for collaborating with developer Niantic on Pokemon Go, and Nintendo will see just a small slice of that revenue.

Besides the earnings announcement on Wednesday, Morgan Stanley said the next focus point is if Pokemon Go launches in China, where access to geographical data necessary for the game is restricted by the government.


There is also the accessory called the Pokemon Go Plus, which is a hardware accessory that players will be buying so they don’t have to look at their smartphones. They will, of course, make money from the peripheral which is due for release by the end of summer but these figures have already been included in their fiscal predictions for 2016-2017. Shares of Nintendo closed down 17.7 percent down this past week after doubling since the game’s launch.

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