
Nintendo shares jump on Pokemon GO phenomenon

Pokemon Go is so popular nowadays that its users are even ignoring social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter in order to play the game.


How Do I Download Pokemon Go On My iPhone/Android Phone? The augmented reality RPG has been plucking that nostalgia string for children of the 90’s, while also immersing newcomers to the franchise with a take on the games that fans have been clamoring for for literally decades. We’ve also attempted to find stills of them taken from the cartoon series or games, to make the experience even more retro.

But how much will “Pokemon Go” really contribute to Nintendo’s earnings?

Pokemon Go has finally launched in the United Kingdom, following a rollout to Germany earlier this week.

Following the huge success of Pokemon Go, it has been reported that Hollywood studios are scrambling to sign a deal for the Pokemon movie rights.

Players should use the same safety precautions while playing the game that they would in any other outdoor setting, including caution in odd locations, the Better Business Bureau says.

It topped the app store download chart on both iPhone’s App Store and Google Play just days after its initial release in the US, Australia and New Zealand.

Meanwhile, Niantic labs CEO John Hanke has announced that the “Pokemon Go” app would eventually evolve and become compatible to future Pokemon games.

Using your phone’s Global Positioning System functionality and camera, players will be able to catch Pokemon in real-world locations.

It’s possible they’ve caught the “Pokemon Go” craze.

For one day, Pokemon appeared on Google Maps, letting browsers search for them at real-world landmarks.

Rachel Kurzius, associate editor of the DCist, joined Sputnik Radio’s Unanimous Dissent on Monday to discuss data privacy issues accompanying the phenomenon, including that only Apple iOS users, not Android users, gave the company “full access permission” through their use of the game.


While the game is catching on around the country and it’s a fun way to get active, it’s also causing some concern for law enforcement.

A Drowzee at the East Kilbride bus station