
Nintendo surges to hit 6-year high, Pokemon GO hits UK market

Indians will have to wait for an official release or play the game by downloading the “APK” file.


Every time the Pokemon Go app is opened, a warning from game maker Niantic pops up, telling players to be aware of their surroundings. The game recently passed Candy Crush Saga as the most popular mobile game, and has the highest number of active users.

Fortyseven Communications, the agency representing Niantic, released a statement that basically said there were no further plans announced for the release of the game in other countries.

On their adventures, players can pick up items and bonuses from places of interest called “pokestops” on a customised version of Google Maps and find real locations using their phones.

The game is now available in the United Kingdom and Germany after being launched in the United States, Australia and New Zealand last week.

And although the game is not available in China, the world’s biggest smartphone and online gaming market, some people there fear it could become a Trojan horse for offensive action by the United States and Japan.

But the calls for a boycott, and the fact that Pokemon GO hasn’t even been released in China, have not deterred fans.

But the best feature of all might be the Stopwatch widget, which allows you to check your data usage without leaving the Pokemon Go app by swiping down to the Notification Center.

The much-anticipated launch has been accompanied by a string of safety concerns because of the exploration nature of the game and how that could be exploited by criminals.

Technology expert and founder of technology site Pocket-lint Stuart Miles said the game’s popularity made sense.

Along with in-app purchases by players in Pokemon Go, “there is a second component to our business model at Niantic, which is this concept of sponsored locations”, Niantic’s CEO John Hanke told the Financial Times.


Pokémon Go has become an instant money maker for Nintendo and its creator, The Pokémon Company (which, incidentally, they own a chunk of).

Nintendo surges to hit 6-year high, Pokemon GO hits UK market