
Nintendo Swipes Pokemon Go UK Marketplace: Breaks Record Of 6 Years

Niantic’s lead developer, the studio behind the Pokemon Go app, told Reuters that the company is working on boosting their servers in preparation for a gradual worldwide rollout. Despite the game’s global frenzy, China is wary of security lapses stemming from the mobile game on its military bases.


This will complete the process and Pokemon Go will now only have Basic access to your Google account.

The TRA said Pokemon Go could result in users being spied upon and urged players not to activate their phone cameras at home or in other private areas.

The developer, reportedly, is not practicing favoritism and said that “Pokemon Go” would roll out whenever it is ready to be released in a specific location.

“When you look at the way it’s becoming a social phenomenon in the USA, the rally is understandable even though it’s not clear yet how much it will boost profits”, markets analyst Toshiyuki Kanayama told Reuters.

USER PITAORENZHE, on Chinese microblogging site Weibo.

Nintendo suffered as a latecomer to smartphone games but is seeing the deep wealth of its franchise characters pay off with the success of “Pokemon Go”, even without a launch yet in Japan.

Nintendo started out in 1889 as a traditional playing-cards maker and hit the world by storm with its series of video game consoles, starting with the Family Computer, or FamiCom for short, in the 1980s. There are millions across the globe watching the new Pokemania that is exploding without being able to sample the game for themselves.

Pokemon Go, the game which already has set the cash registers rolling for Nintendo’s stock value, is once again making waves in media corridors. He makes sure to take regular gaming breaks, though.

The game works by using your phone’s camera to superimpose Pokemon creatures into the real world.


The game now has more active users than popular social media apps such as Twitter and Instagram. “Pokemon GO” fans can search for an Android application package (APK) over the internet. “I really liked Pokemon as a kid”, said Ms Gan Tian, a 22-year-old student at Tsinghua University.

'Pokemon Go' news: International release will happen 'as soon as possible;' delay caused by surge of players