
NM sends 43 delegates to DNC

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) resigned as chair of the Democratic National Committee after the leak of internal DNC emails. Basically, this reveals that the thoughts of the committee went against a prominent candidate and could have impeded the democratic process.


According to Fortune Magazine, Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort said that Hillary Clinton should follow Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’ lead and drop out of the race over her use of a secret email server.

Instead it was Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the mayor of Baltimore, in her capacity of secretary of the Democratic National Committee. Emails appeared to show Wasserman Schultz and other DNC officials showing favor to Hillary Clinton.

Her opponent in Florida’s August 30 congressional primary is Tim Canova, a Nova Southeastern University law professor who tweeted Monday that “DWS must be defeated in this election and removed from Congress”. Sanders said that Clinton must become President of the United States, and that the choice is not even close. He said he hoped she would be stripped of her speaking role at the convention. A second room, also empty, was denied to them once about 50 or so delegates had entered and begun their meeting.

Sanders endorsed Clinton and was set to deliver a key address for her as the convention convened yesterday in the eastern city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, also a Clinton delegate and a longtime Clinton ally, said the larger concern is that Sanders supporters will stay home in November.

Phillips has been working in Democratic politics for years and is expecting to support Clinton. She faces a primary challenge in August from Tim Canova, a progressive Democrat backed by Vermont Sen.

The leaks hurt Clinton in several ways, including confirming Sanders and his supporters long held complaint that party officials had stacked the deck against him.


“We live in odd times and the only thing we can be sure of is that the unpredictable will happen”, Ceasar said. “I’m glad she stepped down she should not be in charge but it’s not going to do anything”, lamented delegate Monica Thomas from Roanoke, VA.

Philadelphia during the first day of the Democratic National Convention