
No Arkham Knight Multi-GPU Support

If you’re rocking an SLI or Crossfire graphics card set-up in your PC, we sadly have to inform you that you’ll never get to use the power of both cards when playing Batman: Arkham Knight. And after a few weeks of banging their heads against a wall, apparently, dual-GPU support just isn’t one of those priorities anymore.


Installing the new GeForce Game Ready Batman: Arkham Knight drivers will optimize performance, give you the best possible experience, and enable multi-GPU systems to activate SLI to increase frame rates.

Read all about Batman’s many troubles on PC in our Arkham Knight Port Review. The developers made the announcement official today via the Steam message boards. As a result we’ve had to make the hard decision to stop work on further multi-GPU support.

With a slew of new sci-fi games like Fallout 4, Star Wars Battlefront, and Call of Duty: Black Ops III hitting consoles earlier this month, it was beginning to look like Arkham Knight would be forgotten. After months of waiting for the game to be fixed, it was finally re-launched on Steam just last month. The last patch seems to have done that somewhat, but of all the other things Warner Bros still has yet to fix, it’s now a matter of prioritization. Whether or not a smaller margin of gamers would have been able to take advantage of multiple GPUs is irrelevant when it has been a part of all of the previous Arkham games.


Arkham Knight marks the end of the Rocksteady’s Arkham trilogy, but there’s been a lot of rumors floating around that they could be working on another DC related title.

Batman: Arkham Knight Developers Find New Way To Disappoint PC Gamers