
No charges in fatal shooting by cop in Cumberland County

As Reid got out, Worley fired one shot through the car’s windshield and didn’t hit anything, according to the Cumberland County prosecutor’s office.


The auto was pulled over normally, but when Days walked over to explain the stop and ask the driver, Leroy Tutt, for a driver’s license, he drew his weapon and pointed it at Reid, screaming profanities and instructing Reid not to move or reach for anything. Reid did not heed the demand, and is seen getting out of the vehicle with his hands up.

Jerame Reid advanced upon a cop and raised his hands rapidly, as if he was drawing a weapon. Only Days’ shots struck Reid, who suffered multiple wounds. The shooting lasted approximately 2 seconds.

Reid and Days are both African American.

The news that a grand jury has voted not to indict two officers in the shooting death of Jerame Reid has brought strong reactions on social media from both local residents and public figures. He took control of the case at the request of Cumberland County Prosecutor Jennifer Webb-McRae, who recused herself early on.

Police said Reid did not follow orders to stay in the vehicle. The officers said Reid was reaching for this gun when officers reached out and pulled it out. Noting the department’s respect for Reid’s family, he said the department supports the actions of the officers. “Officers must make split-second decisions routinely and unfortunately, at times, those decisions can be fatal”, he said in a statement.

Police have released a video of the Bridgeton police shooting a person during a traffic stop.

Walter Hudson, chairman of the National Awareness Alliance, which has organized protests in Bridgeton over the shooting, said the group was disappointed but not surprised by the grand jury’s decision.


“I’m disgusted”, Lawanda Reid told on Thursday.

Grand Jury Won't Indict Officers in Jersey Shooting