
No charges recommended in Clinton email probe, Federal Bureau of Investigation says

On Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey held an astonishing press conference in which he delivered a scathing rundown on Clinton’s wrongdoings in handling classified information and national security during her tenure as Secretary of State.


President Barack Obama vigorously vouched for Hillary Clinton’s trustworthiness and dedication on Tuesday, making his first outing on the campaign stump for his former secretary of state just hours after his Federal Bureau of Investigation director blasted her handling of classified material.

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues meant to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information”, he said.

An Arizona congressman is calling for a special prosecutor to evaluate the charges leveled at Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state. “We are glad that this matter is now resolved”, spokesman Brian Fallon said.

Comey’s announcement comes at a crucial time for Queen Clinton, who is deep in a presidential campaign that may be getting ready to really get rough and wild once Trump finally gets his chance to go up against her directly (rather than also having to battle the Republican Party as he’s been having to do).

Many of Clinton’s political critics have suggested that her use of private email servers could have endangered national security by exposing classified information to potential hacking. “No charges. Wow! #RiggedSystem”.

He added it was possible that people hostile to the US had gained access to her personal email account.

Public reaction to Comey’s announcement was very negative, since the FBI’s statements are quite contradictory, admitting that confidential information was leaked outside official channels, but not taking any legal action.

Last Friday, Lynch explained that the recommendation would be reviewed by “career supervisors” who will present to her the findings.

Republican candidate for Missouri governor John Brunner, who has a Marine background, said if Clinton had been under his command, she would have faced a court-martial.

House Speaker Paul Ryan criticized the decision, which he said “defies explanation”.

Democratic strategist Basil Smikle argued that Hillary Clinton had not lied necessarily – but that she was likely as “surprised” as anyone by the revelations that her previous claims about her emails had been untrue.

Clinton and Obama traveled to North Carolina on the presidential plane Air Force One, which Trump said was a burden on taxpayers.

If the FBI’s decision to not prosecute Hillary Clinton is accepted, we will have become a nation of two sets of laws: one for the Clintons, and one for everyone else.

Giuliani said there’s no reference in the law to wilful intent – just to gross negligence. He also pointed to former president Bill Clinton’s impromptu meeting with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch last week, which critics have blasted as a conflict of interest.


A May 2016 audit by the State Department inspector general found there was no evidence Clinton sought or received approval to operate a private server, and that she “had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business with their offices”.

FBI Director James Comey walks to the podium to make a statement at FBI Headquarters in Washington Tuesday