
No Charges Will Be Filed Against Officer Who Shot Teen

Tenth Circuit Solicitor Chrissy Adams said Tuesday that no charges will be filed against the officer who fatally shot Seneca teen Zachary Hammond. After arriving and buying ice cream at McDonald’s, Hammond and Morton parked their Honda Civic beside an undercover police officer. The police said the woman was part of a drug sting operation arranged by police. She was sitting in Hammond’s passenger seat of the auto at the time of the deadly shooting, but was not injured.


The vehicle moves out of camera view, but the audio later picks up the sounds of crying and an officer telling someone to again put their hands up.

The video footage shows Hammond had already begun reversing away from Tiller’s patrol vehicle when the officer made his first order for the 19-year-old to stop.

Another person, believed to be Morton, can be heard screaming.

In August, Bland had called for Adams to be removed from the case, stating that she “cannot be considered objective”, according to The State.

“We’re disappointed obviously”, Bland said, explaining that it was clear to him that the officer didn’t follow the necessary escalation protocol.

On Tuesday, the state of South Carolina released dashcam footage of a Seneca police officer firing at and killing Zachary Hammond for allegedly selling a few grams of marijuana to an undercover officer. Tiller yells as he approaches the auto. Hammond backs up, and attempts to flee.

The investigation also revealed Hammond possessed these drugs, WHNS reported.

The video and the autopsy findings clearly contradict Tiller’s claim, endorsed by Adams, that his life was in danger. “The text messages indicate Hammond was actively evading arrest by flight and evading law enforcement due to his outstanding warrant”.

On July 26, Hammond and his 24-year-old girlfriend were in the parking lot of a Hardee’s fast food restaurant on Highway 123 in Seneca, a city in Oconee County, northwest South Carolina.

“We respectfully disagree [with Adams’ decision]” Ronald Richter Jr., attorney for the Hammond family, said Tuesday, according to the Associated Press.

“The Hammond family shares Mr. Dietterick’s prayer for healing, but it is impossible to heal from an injury that is ignored”, its statement says.

Tiller then fired his pistol twice in rapid succession through Hammond’s driver-side window.

The video, posted by several media outlets, was released Tuesday after a prosecutor announced she won’t bring state charges against Seneca police Lt. Mark Teller in the July 26 death of Zachary Hammond.

As the auto turns toward Tiller, he screams, “I’m going to shoot your f***ing a**!” and then fires at Hammond after the vehicle was passed him.

Hammond’s family says Tiller threatened to blow Hammond’s head off. The officer’s attorneys deny that.

Hammond family lawyer Eric Bland said in a statement that Hammond posed no risk to the public, “other than a possible minor possession of marijuana”. The filing further asserts, “Zachary’s body was left uncovered and unprotected on the ground for nearly ninety minutes to be ravaged by ants while the crime scene was being processed”.


In legal papers, lawyers have acknowledged that the second officer may have said something about inappropriate contact with Hammond’s body.

Lieutenant Mark Tiller not charged after gunning down unarmed teen in pot bust