
No Child Left Behind Out, Every Child Succeeds In

An Alabama Education Leader weights in on the Every Student Succeeds Act signed into law Thursday by President Obama.


“We’re really proud of the fact that we know best what to do for our South Dakota students, and that’s the recognition that this law has”, Schopp said.

The new law expressly prohibits the Education Department from imposing the Common Core model, which wasn’t required by No Child Left Behind but often encouraged through a series of federal waivers to the law’s other requirements.

The Act requires intervention for schools that fail to meet state standards, but critics of the new law worry that states will just lower the bar to make schools seem successful.

Every Student Succeeds goes into effect in 2016.

NCLB was roundly criticized as forcing teachers to concentrate on making sure students could pass standardized tests, and the new law is supposed to help with that. To what do you attribute the bipartisan support this bill has had? According to Politico, fellow senators and presidential hopefuls Marco Rubio and Bernie Sanders didn’t vote either; Rand Paul, who also is still running for president, voted against it.

“Under No Child Left Behind, all of our teachers had to be highly qualified even if they had advanced degrees”.

Students in the USA ranked fourteenth in education among developed nations as many schools in the US failed to meet the standards set by the No Child Left Behind law. States can now develop their own accountability system to measure a school’s performance.

Mr. Obama said the “Every Student Succeeds Act” focuses on ensuring that students graduate from high school and are prepared for college and their careers. “It shouldn’t be coming down to one test because not everyone is a test taker”, said Rushefski.


Wanda Cook-Robinson, superintendent of the Oakland intermediate school district, said she was “elated” that Congress acted to replace No Child Left Behind. For example, the bill eliminates the requirement of using test stores for teacher evaluations.

President Obama Signs The Every Student Succeeds Act At The White House