
No, Destiny is NOT going free to play

Activision also showed up some statistics of the game which say that since its release, “Destiny” has been played by over 25 million people who have logged in a combined 3 billion hours of game time.


Purchasing the free version of Destiny will grant players access to the game’s Trial mode.

Basically Destiny will still be a paid-for title for now, and it doesn’t look like there are any signs that this will be changing, so either decide to pay for the game, or you can wait for the day that Bungie may or may not make it a F2P title. It won’t be like Evolve where the game became free to play after the player population dropped.

“The original Destiny adventure may appear to be free on some digital console marketplaces”, said Bungie.

IGN has reached out to Activision for further information about what the free trial version entails.

Bungie recently revealed more about the upcoming expansion at Gamescom 2016 and announced that private PvP matches would come to the game alongside the Rise of Iron release (though players will not have to purchase the new DLC to access that new feature).

Destiny: The Collection is set to launch later this year that’ll offer players new and old the chance to grab the game along with all of the DLC packs released since its launch in 2013. Scott Taylor, “Rise of Iron” executive producer, pointed out that the weapon will be brought back to the latest expansion, but will be tuned appropriately.

Destiny’s Rise of Iron expansion launches September 20 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.


Jonathon Dornbush is an Associate Editor for IGN.

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