
No Man’s Sky: Reactions swing between ‘boring’ and ‘incredible’

And even though it’s a wildly different type of game in nearly every way, No Man’s Sky is a kind of anti-Pokémon Go, providing a way for a solitary player to focus inward and satiate their curiosity without any kind of social pressure or acknowledgement that they’re playing a game.


To make matters even more confusing, many retailers broke the game’s street date, and sent everyday users home with a copy of the game that, by most accounts, was not ready to play. Just about any ship you come across – be it at a Space Port or an in-atmosphere point-of-interest – can be purchased from the game’s NPCs, provided you have the required currency and standing with that sector’s predominant race.

Meanwhile, fans are somewhat disappointed to discover that “No Man’s Sky” is actually not a multiplayer game.

Blueprints are found through investigating outposts and space stations, interacting with non-player characters (NPCs) and discovering ancient artefacts and monoliths. This also created a freaky situation in which average folks on Twitch could start streaming the (still quite buggy) game and commenting on it six ways to Sunday, while the press had to sit around and twiddle its thumbs. However, No Man’s Sky doesn’t directly explain to you just how to rename your discoveries, since the game automatically gives a default name upon your uncovering a certain species or area. Each planet is incredibly large, and there are more planets to explore than I know what to do with. Even though the colours, the animals, the plant life and the wonderfully varied planets are impressive, the game doesn’t always manage to load them all quickly enough. If you start a space war with a fleet of merchants, then the psychedelic but controlled indie-sound increases in intensity, matching the ferocity of combat. No one will ever play and see exactly what I have, or been where I’ve been. One planet was highly toxic, another had freezing weather conditions, another had alien attackers, and our first planet had none of those things. These posts look like abandoned Apollo modules (as in Nasa Apollo modules, that isn’t an in-game term) and offer additional slots for increments of 10,000 units. Collect precious resources on the surfaces of planets and trade them for the ships, suits and equipment that will take you to your destiny in the stars.

Which brings us to one of the game’s initial flaws: the menus.

The game’s been in development for years at this point. What’s more, there are no humanoid enemies or villainous entity of any sort to make your existence worthwhile. Here are a few helpful tips for making money in No Man’s Sky.


As a kid, I relished the chance to say I’d done everything I could in a game.

Hello Games