
No regrets for taking on fallen soldier’s parents, Trump says

Khizr Khan delivered a powerful speech before the Democratic National Convention last week.


“My husband asked me if I wanted to speak, but I told him I could not”, she said.

Pence is spending the week campaigning and fundraising, and will make two stops in Arizona, where he is scheduled to meet with Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican and former prisoner of war who released a sharply worded rebuke Monday of Trump’s statements against the Khan family.

“Time and time again, Trump has disrespected our nation’s armed forces and veterans, and his disrespect for Mr. (Khizr) Khan and his family is just an example”, the woman said.

Khan said that he was “not surprised” by Trump’s negative reaction to his speech, in which he criticized Trump for calling to ban Muslim immigrants, questioned whether he had ever read the U.S. Constitution, and said, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one”. “How do you tolerate his disrespect?”

Since then, Trump has complained he was “viciously” attacked by the couple and suggested Ghazala Khan might not have been “allowed” to speak, implying her silence reflected restrictions placed on women by some traditional Muslims.

Trump appeared to try to brush the speech aside, saying that Khan “was, you know, very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me”. “You look at what happens in the Middle East, in Syria and his line in the sand”, Trump said. French Hill of Little Rock, whom Curry is challenging in the November 8 general election for his 2nd District seat, said: “I honor the service and sacrifice of Capt. Humayun Khan”.

Meantime, Donald Trump’s son says that his father’s comments Capt. Khan, who was killed in Iraq, were “honestly blown out of proportion”.

“Please. I am very upset when I heard when he said that I didn’t say anything”.

“Captain Khan is an American hero – period”, Martinez said in a statement to The Associated Press.

Trump also responded to President Obama, who on Tuesday said Trump was unfit for the presidency.

But not a single Republican seeking to distance themselves from him revoked their support for the 2016 Republican nominee.


As the blowback to Donald Trump’s public feud with a Gold Star family escalated on Monday, the GOP nominee’s campaign sent out talking points to congressional supporters urging them to come to his defense. “I believe that each of us are called every day to show our deepest respect and gratitude to all of those who protect our freedom and their families”.

Warren Buffett