
No streaming for Adele’s new album!

Adele is getting ready to have another massive hit album on her hands.


We know that Adele is bigger than every other pop star, but now it seems that the big-bellied wonder sells a s**tload of music as well.

However, industry experts believe that while the album will be a mammoth success, it’s unlikely to rival the album sales seen by Adele’s last album, 21.

There are a further nine new entries heading for this week’s top 40 album chart.

Apple’s iTunes sold more than 900,000 copies on Friday, 25’s first day of release, according to music industry publication Billboard.

Furthermore, Neilson said that the SNL episode, where Adele performed two of her latest songs “Hello” and “When We Were Young”, while McConaughey hosted, is expected to gain seven million viewers.

Billboard is scheduled to report the album’s debut week sales on November 29, once Nielsen has finished processing its weekly data. That release is the tenth-biggest album of the Nielsen era, having sold 11.23 million copies domestically.

The first single, “Hello”, was released on October 23, along with the news of the album and a “Rolling Stone” cover piece.

In isolation, these figures are impressive, but against the backdrop of massively declining album sales over the past five years, such predictions are unprecedented for an album released in 2015.

When Adele’s 21 was released in January 2011, it sold 208,000 copies in its first week and passed the 500,000 sales milestone by its fourth week on sale.

Adele made several TV specials to promote the new music, which were aired over the weekend across the Tasman.

It is increasingly rare for an artist to top the one million opening week sales with a new album because fans are driven more and more to online streaming to consume music. The Grammy Award-winning music artist’s first single from the album is “Hello” which was shot in Canada and directed by Xavier Nolan.


Singer Taylor Swift too, had pulled her music from Spotify, over complaints about the royalties paid by streaming outlets.

Adele's 25 album chases records with 300000 first day United Kingdom sales