
Nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president: Obama

The question tonight as Hillary Clinton accepts the Democratic presidential nomination in the biggest speech of her life is whether it’s too late to ease the deep doubts so many Americans have about her character and trustworthiness. “We get frustrated with political gridlock, worry about racial divisions; are shocked and saddened by the madness of Orlando or Nice”, he said. But last fall, she became the first female in the major league after a stint with the Oakland Athletics. “Best president ever”, someone screamed.


Obama spearheaded a day-long effort by Democrats to depict Trump as unfit to be commander-in-chief, contrasting the political neophyte with his more experienced Democratic rival.

Wednesday night’s Democratic lineup was aimed at emphasizing Clinton’s own national security credentials, a shift from two nights focused more on re-introducing her to voters as a champion for women’s issues, children and families. Obama smiled broadly through much of his speech, savoring his last address before the Democratic National Committee.

It was the latest sign of lingering tension during the DNC, an event that got off to a rocky start Monday due largely to the passion of Sanders’ delegates, their hard feelings towards Clinton and leaked emails showing the party establishment was with her and not him.

Democrats will hope to capitalize on a string of perceived foreign policy missteps, culminating in Trump’s suggestion that Russian Federation spy on his rival Clinton.

This constant repetition proves one thing: This is what Democrats want people to think about Clinton.

Yet the stream of women, African-Americans, Latinos, gay Americans – from USA senators and celebrities to activists and, on Thursday, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton herself – also serves as a reminder of Democrats’ struggles to connect with most heterosexual white men. “She’s been part of those decisions”.

Then Kaine turned to Trump, the way vice presidential nominees must do to go after the top of the rival ticket.

President Barack Obama says there’s never been a man or a woman – “not me, not Bill” – who’s more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president. As I keep reminding people who think that IL is a safe Blue State and therefore they don’t have to vote, we elected Bruce Rauner as governor because people weren’t motivated by either candidate. “That is not the America I know”. That’s the Hillary I’ve come to admire.

“Everybody knows she is smart”, Biden said. But Saunders says Trump taps into a “legitimate” frustration acute among small-town and rural white men whose fathers and grandfathers once helped elect Democrats.

Kaine said his son would “protect and defend the very North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies that Donald Trump now says he wants to abandon”. “You learn that if you’re not measured and careful with every word that comes out of your mouth, somebody is going to misconstrue something or criticize”, said Sink, who hosted a Clinton fundraiser earlier this year. “This guy doesn’t have a clue about the Middle Class”.

He used Trump’s business dealings as an example of the NY builder’s untrustworthiness. He has repeatedly declined to denounce the Russian leader, and his earlier comments undermining America’s commitments to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – most recently whether a Russian attack on one of the Baltic nations would demand a USA response – have alarmed those in the foreign policy establishment. He trumpeted Clinton as the “one person in this race who will be there, who has always been there for you”. Instead, the crowd greeted Obama like a beloved old friend, interrupting him several times to shout “Four more years!” and “I love you!”

“As someone who was responsible for protecting our nation from cyber-attacks, it is inconceivable to me that any presidential candidate would be that irresponsible”.

During his remarks, some Bernie Sanders supporters began to chant “No More War!” but were drowned out by counter chants of “USA, USA”.


Despite the swirl of distractions, Democrats appeared to be finding unity as they formally sealed the deal behind Clinton on Tuesday night.

Biden says 'moral and centered' Sanders supporters will vote for Clinton