
Nonprofit asking Clinton, Trump to stop campaigning on 9/11

But a report published by Associated Press Wednesday said that more than half of her nongovernmental meetings as secretary of state were with foundation donors. Rendell said that if he were in Hillary’s shoes he would not have done what she did as Secretary of State.


And 2009 tax documents from Trump show a $100,000 payment to the William J Clinton Foundation – the former name of the institution.

Eight years ago, it was Hillary Clinton who was accusing candidate Barack Obama of being swayed by his financial backers, including his connections with Tony Rezko, a fundraiser who was imprisoned for his role in “pay-to-play” schemes involving former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Clinton has reportedly told FBI investigators that her use of the private server was inspired by former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who has pushed back against the suggestion, saying, “Her people have been trying to pin it on me”.

A little over an hour earlier in Jackson, Mississippi, Trump issued his bluntest and most provocative characterization yet of Clinton as part of his accusations that she treats minorities, and black people in particular, simply as votes to be counted.

But it could be a whole new ballgame if a special prosecutor is assigned to investigate. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million.

Bill Clinton said changes at the foundation are needed if Hillary Clinton becomes president that weren’t necessary when she led the State Department. “He’s brought it into his campaign”, Clinton told CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

“Didn’t those unique circumstances exist when you were secretary of state?” ‘She went to his wedding’.

“You know more about the foundation than you know about anything concerning Donald Trump’s wealth, his business, his tax returns”, Clinton said. What I’ve learned is that when I try to explain what happened, it can sound like I’m trying to excuse what I did.

Clinton is not expected to discuss the issue during a Thursday speech in Reno, Nevada, which will be focused on attacking Trump to the so-called “alt right” movement within the Republican Party that has strayed from mainstream conservatism.

As Donald Trump listed the ways that he would make life better for African Americans living in poverty, he suddenly shouted, “Hillary Clinton is a bigot!”


Mr. Fallon also said the story was a “cherry-pick” of a comparatively small subset of some 1,700 meetings Mrs. Clinton held and that there was nothing untoward about talking with people like Melinda Gates, the wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Clinton keeps stay-the-course strategy on foundation, emails