
NORC Poll: Christian Rights More Vital Than Muslim Ones

A new poll finds that most Americans believe that religious freedom is more important for Christians than any other faith, including Jews and Muslims.


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The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll on civil liberties and surveillance was conducted by NORC Dec. 10-13.

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The survey showed 88 percent of Republicans said it was important to protect the religious liberty of Christians, and only 60 percent said so for Muslims. Republican candidate Donald Trump suggested a database to track Muslims in the US and Republican candidate Ben Carson said he does not think a Muslim could ever be president of the U.S.

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From Pulp Fiction to his latest offering, The Hateful Eight , he’s won awards and great praise for his works. The file goes on to read: ‘There are a plethora of similarities between Freedom and Django Unchained .

While 82 percent of respondents believe in the protection of religious freedoms for Christians, the percentage fell to 61 percent for Muslims. In the aftermath, there’s been a wave of vandalism and arson at USA mosques.

The ADF’s Greg Scott told the AP focusing on protecting Christians “makes sense in that Christians today are facing mounting threats to their religious liberty by acts of state officials and bureaucrats”.

Overall, 8 out of 10 Americans said it was important or extremely important for people like themselves to be able to exercise religion freely.

Democrats are significantly more likely than Republicans to say the government is doing a good job of protecting the right to freedom of religion, 64 per cent to 49 per cent.

The poll’s new question on religious liberty yields “important data, but it’s also important to ask it in calmer times … to establish a trend”, says Jennifer Benz, deputy director of the AP-NORC Center. Eighty-three percent of Democrats said protection of religious rights for Christians was important; 67 percent for Muslims. “If somebody else’s religion is being limited by the government, yours is liable to be limited in the same way”.

Nebraska is far from immune to prejudice, but with fewer than 2 million people, we’re much less likely to pass judgment on our neighbors based on stereotypes and much more likely to view them by their unique individual merits. “Even if you only care about your own particular group, you should care about other groups, too, because that’s the way the law works”.

It was based on online and telephone interviews of 1,042 adults who are members of NORC’s nationally representative AmeriSpeak panel. The margin of error is +/- 3.9 percent.


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