
Norfolk Police Department goes pink for breast cancer awareness

We are wearing our pink and getting excited for Saturday – it’s the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.


“This year we wanted to do something big to support Breast Cancer Awareness, ” said Scott Collore, general manager of Dimmitt Chevrolet, in a press release.

To help accomplish this goal, the Department of Health Services Wisconsin Well Woman Program provides breast and cervical cancer screenings statewide to eligible women aged 45 through 64.

“I’m happy to have pink on my braces”, says teenager Victor Appell with a chuckle, as he flashes his pink braces.

Angelina Jolie’s breast cancer story apparently resulted in 20% increase in Breast Cancer Awareness. “All you have to do is wear something pink and donate whatever you can”, he added. It’s the time to celebrate, honor and remember all those who have fought, or are now fighting breast cancer.

TMH is inviting all breast cancer survivors to a free survivor luncheon from 11:30 1 p.m. October 21 at the hospital. It is the second leading cause of death among women, after lung cancer, killing one in 37.

Critics complain companies are using the ribbons to promote their products, but one local gun store said it’s about support.

With breast cancer the most common cancer for New Zealand women – eight women a day are diagnosed, and one in nine women will be diagnosed in their lifetime – nearly everyone knows someone affected by the disease. Their efforts alone have helped raise over $60,000 for the foundation since they got involved in 2008.

Breast cancer recently infected her life. Also, when coupled with new treatment options, mammography screenings do improve a woman’s chance of survival.


“Because We Care, We Share” is a great opportunity for Aruba Aloe’s clients to team up with Aruba Aloe to spread breast cancer awareness while also enjoying a special “125-year-Anniversary-edition” gift from Aruba Aloe.

Norfolk police debut a pink squad car and pink lining on their uniforms in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month