
Norman Reedus Gets Bitten by Fan, Posts Hilarious Photo After Incident

Reedus declined to press charges and was not seriously hurt from the bite, but he did make light of the situation on his own Instagram account. When the biting incident happened, security ran to pull her away from “The Walking Dead” actor.


In that post, Grover apologized and admitted her transgression, which led to her getting escorted out and banned from all future Walker Stalker conventions – for good reason.

Over the weekend, Norman Reedus attended a convention for the popular AMC series in New Jersey (incidentally titled Stalker Con), doing all the usual con stuff: panels, meet-and-greets, and photo ops.

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The Walking Dead – on which Norman portrays fan favorite Daryl – recently aired its dramatic mid-season finale, but will return to pick up the rest of season six on February 14. “You just bit Norman Reedus”. She then reportedly bit Reedus in the chest. She went on to say “I don’t know what came over me”.


“I$3 got so excited standing beside him…” She later posted an Instagram photo with an apology. Conventions are where fans wander through mazes of tons of vendors of zombie merchandise, meet actors, get autographs and take pictures with their zombie show heroes. In the caption, the actor wrote, “Um please don’t”.

Norman Reedus bitten by Walking Dead fan at meet and greet