
North American Leaders to Discuss Climate Change in Canada

Among them, was a pledge from Trudeau to strengthen his nation’s energy ties with Mexico.


Among the planned steps is working together on at least six cross-border transmission lines such as the Great North Transmission Line, the New England Clean Power Link and the Nogales Interconnection, which are now proposed or in permitting review.

Trudeau pointed to the North American example of economic integration and warned of the risks of protectionism and nationalism.

The White House estimates North America now draws 37 percent of its energy from renewable sources.

Sure, it’s not the first awkward greeting we’ve seen between male politicians – who can forget Abbott squirming to escape that full-on bro-hug from Indian PM Narendra Modi, or that douchey duel when Latham gripped Howard – but it’s easily the most delightful.

U.S. President Obama said all three leaders shared the same concern that, in his words, “ordinary citizens” have about globalization – the rich getting richer, and a potential economic breakdown while the 1 percent thrive. “That’s done”, Obama said.

Later on Wednesday evening, Obama addressed Canada’s Parliament in a speech that highlighted the ties that bind the USA and Canada.

“So there may be some wonderful hydroelectric power that we’d like to get to the United States. The question is, are there enough transmission facilities for us to buy it at a competitive price?”

The summit meeting on Wednesday is being marketed as a meeting of “three amigos”, but Obama will not be spending as much time in Ottawa as Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, did visiting Washington in March.

Against the backdrop of Brexit and Trump’s promises to rip up NAFTA, there were strong, repeated pro-trade cooperation messages from all three leaders. -Canada pact to reduce methane emissions by up to 45% in less than a decade.

“The question is not whether or not there’s going to be an worldwide, global economy – there is one”, the president said.

After hitting Trump earlier in the day over his opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, Obama urged the Canadian Parliament to pass the deal, saying “it is tempting to draw a line around our borders that will give us more control”.

But it will be the electricity export opportunities that could have Canada’s provinces sitting up and taking notice.

Renewable energy and energy efficient products, like LED light bulbs, have become more affordable. Three such projects were specified: one that connects Quebec and New England, one between Manitoba to Minnesota and one from Texas to Mexico. To achieve the 2025 goal, almost all new generation capacity must be clean, she said, accelerating an existing trend.

Jacob Irving of the Canadian Hydropower Association said the trilateral agreement “illustrates how exporting some of that potential is good for Canada and North America, both environmentally and economically”.


Yet it was Trump and his insistence that Americans are better served by reasserting independence that shadowed the leaders’ meetings at the annual North American Leaders’ Summit.

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