
North Carolina Officer Stands Trial for Shooting Unarmed Black Man

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Randall Kerrick says he didn’t remember how many times he fired his service weapon at an unarmed black man almost two years ago.


Charlotte-Mecklenburg police Officer Randall Kerrick testifies…

“He was going to take my gun from me”, Randall Kerrick said on Thursday as he took the witness stand on Thursday in his trial.

On Thursday, an emotional Kerrick told the jury that he was married and had a son.

Kerrick told the judges that he thought his gun wasn’t functioning properly because the strong black man kept coming at him and he kept firing at him. And I think he established that specifically where he explains he felt like Mr. Ferrell was going for his gun.

Ferrell’s shooting death took place nearly a year before an unarmed African American in New York and an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, were shot dead by white police officers.

The narrative of a Black male “charging” towards police, prompting them to open fire, is a familiar one – just last year, former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson testified in front of a grand jury that Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager he shot and killed, ran towards him “like a demon”. He also said he turned off his lights and siren when arriving on-scene in order to not scare away Ferrell.

As Ferrell continued advancing on him, Kerrick said he backpedaled about 20 feet. The resident called police, and three officers responded. No matter what I did he wouldn’t stop. Disturbing video shows Ferrell running towards cops in what prosecutors say was an attempt to get help after his accident.

“Kerrick said he is 5’7”, weighing 157 lbs He said Ferrell was much bigger and stronger. Investigators say Kerrick fired 12 shots, 10 of which hit Ferrell. “But that’s pretty riveting testimony and certainly meets the standard that the defense needs to and it’s going to make it hard for the prosecution to unprove self defense”.

Little testified that when he first saw Jonathan Ferrell, he was pacing and hitting his thighs with his hands.

After pulling onto a road to the neighborhood pool, the officers encountered Ferrell.

“Did you hear him say ‘shoot me, shoot me?'” Adren Harris, the prosecutor asked Little.

On redirect, Michael Greene asked Little if things happen that were not on the video.


Kerrick was on the witness stand for the second day on Friday.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police Officer Randall Kerrick testifies during his voluntary manslaughter trial Thursday Aug. 13 2015 in Charlotte N.C. Kerrick charged in the shooting death of an unarmed black man has testified in his own defense Thursday