
North Korea halts probe into fate of kidnapped Japanese

It also levies mandatory sanctions on those who engage in the North’s cyber attacks, import luxury goods into the country, or enable its censorship efforts or continuing human rights abuses, as well as those who have engaged in money laundering, the manufacture of counterfeit goods or narcotics trafficking.


Finally, with officials saying they were exhausted of “buying the same horse twice”, the Obama administration decided on a policy of “strategic patience” that has fundamentally meant no engagement with North Korea, even as the administration has heralded its military-diplomatic rebalance to the Pacific.

The report said North Korea possesses one submarine-launched missile system, along with less than 100 short-range Scud missiles and fewer than 50 800-mile-range Nodong missiles.

The UN Security Council on Sunday strongly condemned North Korea’s rocket launch and said it would speed up work on a sanctions resolution “in response to these risky and serious violations”. Despite being their main trading partner and ally, China isn’t charmed by the constant antagonism from Pyongyang, and it just might cost North Korea an alliance.

However, North Korea has not been able to conduct flight tests on the highly complex system, and its “current reliability as a weapon system would be low”. “And as the targets move around and we if don’t have the persistent stare and persistent [intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] that we do not have over North Korea at this time, that relocatable nature makes it very hard for us to counter it”.

White House officials indicate the president isn’t likely to veto the bill due to its overwhelming Congressional support.

North Korea launched a satellite into space over the weekend, but now we’ve learned that it is spinning out of control.

“The December 2012 [Taepodong-2 missile] launch was sacked on a southern trajectory”, Davis said, adding that the February 7 launch also was a Taepodong-2 intercontinental-ballistic missile fired on a southern trajectory. Russia’s foreign ministry accused Pyongyang of acting against the norms of global law. However, the resolution has not yet been adopted.

South Korea on Friday cut off power and water supplies to the industrial park and announced that its planned talks with the United States on deploying the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, one of the most advanced missile defense systems in the world, could start next week.

Analysts said North Korea and Iran have been sharing missile and nuclear technology, with Iranian scientists attending Pyongyang’s nuclear tests and rocket launches. According to Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, the explosion had not been powerful enough for an H-bomb.


House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., center, walks to the House chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Feb. 12, 2016, as Republicans and Democrats joined together to overwhelmingly approve legislation that hits North Korea with more stringent sanctions for refusing to stop its nuclear weapons program.

A B-52H Stratofortress from Andersen Air Force Base Guam conducts a low-level flight in the vicinity of Osan South Korea on Jan. 10 2016 in response to recent provocative action by North Korea