
North Korea says Davos snub over nuclear test ‘seriously unjust’

The diplomat said all 15 Security Council members agree that North Korea should be denuclearized, and this will be reflected in the new resolution.


The B-52 flight follows a victory tour by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to celebrate the country’s widely disputed claim of a hydrogen bomb test. Kim is seeking to rally pride in an explosion viewed with outrage by much of the world and to boost his domestic political goals.

Last week’s nuclear test was North Korea’s fourth, although the United States and experts doubt the North’s claim that it was of a more powerful hydrogen bomb, as the blast was roughly the same size as that from an atomic bomb test in 2013.

“The fact of the matter is, if there’s one thing I know about the leader of North Korea, it’s that he likes attention”, Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser, told reporters.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called Pyongyang’s recent nuclear test “a destabilizing act that violates Security Council resolutions and imperils collective security”, warning of the dangers of nuclearized Korean Peninsula, on Thursday during remarks on his priorities in 2016.

South Korea’s broadcast campaign features a variety of airings, including popular music from K-pop girl groups, weather forecasts, news snippets and North Korea critiques.

Its findings contradict a North Korean statement in September past year that all facilities at the Yongbyon nuclear complex were working normally.

South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Lim Sung-nam headed Friday to Tokyo for talks with his American and Japanese counterparts largely on North Korea.

Top nuclear envoys from South Korea, the United States and Japan met in Seoul on Wednesday to discuss sanctions against the North.

Another option is a temporary deployment of F-22 Raptors, the U.S. Air Force’s state-of-the-art stealth fighters, to the Kadena Air Base in Okinawa.

If we are not awakened by North Korea’s latest test, what will it take?

For nearly a decade, sanctions have been the principal coercive instrument available to the United States and the global community in trying to deal with North Korea’s nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missile programs. “However, the missile then appears to explode, and we conclude that the failure likely occurred at ignition”, she said, according to Popular Mechanics.


“The failed launch combined with testing from a barge shows that North Korea still has a long way to go to develop this system”, said the analysis by John Schilling, an aerospace engineer who is a specialist in satellite and launch vehicle propulsion systems. But China is still seen as reluctant to clamp down on the North in part because of fears that a toppled government in Pyongyang would see millions of desperate North Koreans flooding across the border with China and a U.S.-backed South Korean government in control of the Korean Peninsula.

North Korean Ballistic Missile Test