
North Korea says its ready for ‘another attack’ against United States ‘provocations’

“The United States and (South Korea) are taking actions every day to strengthen our alliance and respond to North Korea’s continued aggressive behavior”, Gen. Vincent Brooks, commander of U.S. Forces Korea, said in a statement.


South Korea hosts 28,000 US troops as the two Koreas technically remain at war since the 1950-53 Korean War ended in an armistice instead of a peace treaty. It is simply not in China’s interest to risk losing an ally on its border only to have it replaced by a US -backed state hosting missile-tracking systems and other military forces targeting it.

Television in North Korea isn’t known for its laughs, but that’s changed now that a comedy programme has returned to the air after a break of several years. She did not specify why North Korea’s fifth nuclear detonation provided more of an “opening” for the West than the previous four.

Shen Wenhui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told influential state-run newspaper the Global Times last week that crippling sanctions would cause a “humanitarian disaster” in North Korea.

That quantity is enough for roughly six nuclear bombs, Hecker, who toured the North’s main Yongbyon nuclear facility in 2010, wrote in a report on the 38 North website, of Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC, published on Monday.

South Africa shares the concerns of the global community regarding the nuclear weapon- and delivery system-related activities of the DPRK, the country’s Department of worldwide Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) said in a statement. All the missiles in the Hwasong family are liquid fueled, meaning they take time to fuel before they can launch, but recent test footage indicates that they can be fired from stretches of highway.

Indonesia is “one of the most important countries [.] and plays a great role, since it is a great friend of South Korea and continues to maintain friendly relations with the DPRK”, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or North Korea.

Last week, the North Korean regime had confirmed having conducted a fifth nuclear test, “the most powerful to date”, according to South Korea.

China’s concerns also include the larger issue of what Beijing sees as Washington’s attempts to surround it under Obama’s strategic “rebalance” toward Asia.

China has been infuriated by “freedom of navigation” patrols conducted by the the South China Sea, where China is locked in disputes with several Southeast Asian nations. Pentagon officials say that as they prepare the agenda of key military issues for the next president, North Korea is near the top of the list. “China needs North Korea to counter the United States”.

North Korea could have enough plutonium and highly enriched uranium by the end of 2016 to build up to 20 nuclear bombs, a leading USA nuclear scientist says.

North Korea staged its fifth and largest-ever nuclear test last week‚ according to worldwide reports.


Jeffrey Lewis of the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies said North Korea had an unconstrained source of fissile material, both plutonium from the Yongbyon reactor and highly-enriched uranium from at least one and probably two sites. “So the North is hiding behind that and comfortably pursuing the nuclear program”.

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