
Notable difference between John Paul II and Pope Francis speeches to UN

I am praying for all of you, that the preaching of the Holy Father will be for you also a special occasion of grace and faith. We must remember, both gates say “Heaven“-but only one leads to eternal life”.


As I listen to Pope Francis’ messages, I wonder, “What’s the point?” As you can see, they did. And please send your answers to [email protected]. I believe You died on the cross to save me. But because you are a smiling face and a sense of humour and a lower-emissions vehicle and a great speech, but you are the same.

Just in case you are in the same boat… For too long, left-wingers of faith like myself have felt alienated from a mostly secular, if not stridently anti-clerical Left. I hope these practices have changed or that these churches were exceptions to the norm. We are to treat others, as we would want to be treated and never undermine the sacredness of all life. To a few extent we continue to be true to that.

The song speaks highly of the angels who never cease to sing of the Lord’s greatness and goodness, leading into another song titled Ekomwaba (Hebrews 11:6), which talks about the ever presence of the Lord. Two of these 70 were not present at the “inauguration” ceremony, yet the Spirit rested on them too and they prophesied inside the camp while the others prophesied at the ceremony. His words reflect the Gospel, the good news, of Jesus Christ. So I am very happy to brag about how weak I am. Christ is with us every day! It worships death and sex and believes that the most vulnerable and inconvenient human beings ought to be executed and thrown in the dumpster. When the church looks to our Lord Jesus its founder, it will perform great marvels. I am angry. Not because you are Catholic or because you think differently than me. Hypocrisy reigns in the U.S. I am a prophecy preacher and have nearly a half century of study in prophecy to my credit. May the love of Christ always guide the American people!

‘Outrage, pain, compassion, action, love’.

Now, I’ll offer my critique upfront.

Nicodemus was a Pharisee who had heard of Jesus and was interested in what He had to say, so he went looking for Him. But it also provides a means for everyone in the neighborhood to be engaged in growing food.

“I am the voice of one calling in the desert, make straight the way for the Lord”.

Next, according to Revelation 13:8, not only were you chosen before the foundation of the world, but Jesus is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

Cooperative economics has a long history in Catholic tradition. Socially liberal churches are focused on deed, deed, deed.

In many cities and towns, the Catholic Church is the most ostentatious edifice.

You’ve been at your congregation for eight-and-a-half years. But many other Christians are doing incredible things to help the poor, the hurting, and those in need. If God finds bad company in the graduate school seminars and Bob Avakian-esque cults that far too many North Atlantic lefties hide away in, He’s on the lips of thousands of farmworkers out in California today or the proletarians and slaves of yesteryear. My goal is to introduce people to Jesus, disciple them into a real relationship with Him and then watch as the Holy Spirit changes what my sermonizing and loud arguing can not. His challenge to this ersatz Christendom was palpable in his homily Sunday afternoon at the World Meeting of Families Mass. So we learn that we can enter into bearing the name of Christ by giving assistance, even humble assistance, to someone who is known to be acting in Christ’s name.

Order your copy of Billy Graham’s book, Where I Am.

‘He’d be actually pissed off’. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Not enough, I’m sure. Rocks, we’ve been told, severely inhibit WiFi reception. What is abortion, really, but a way to eliminate the neediest and most helpless among us before they can suck away our precious resources?

Because Jesus, to His contemporaries, was absolutely vexatious.

I think he’d be actually pissed off, because there is no need for people to be out on the street when there are a ton of empty buildings in Sacramento.

“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”

Where’s that money going to come from? The Bible says He is omnipresent, that means He is everywhere at the same time.

That’s a huge question.

The most frequently repeated command in the whole of Scripture is “Do not be afraid“. While those things can tingle your emotions, they won’t bring God’s living water into your soul.

We do a number of things. We don’t want the force of habit to rule our life… or do we? We also donate to the federation food closet, which are for kosher food items only. Those are three things we do. I believe it’s called “Finally Home”.

Our government is very actively involved in solving poverty.

It breaks my heart that food stamps has become a political issue. I am saddened when I see good, well intentioned people thinking that more education and regulation will solve our problems. I do think that as religious people we believe that humanity is created in the image of God.


“I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow”. That includes caring for everybody in society. Really what “tzedakah” is is taxes.

America 'blessed with tremendous gifts and opportunities', says Pope at the