
Notable Mississippians join chorus to remove Confederate emblem from state flag

Morgan Freeman, Jimmy Buffet, John Grisham and ex New Orleans Saints quarterback Archie Manning are among the many notable present and former residents of Mississippi who came together to ask the state to remove the Confederate battle symbol from its flag.


Others who signed the letter include Kathryn Stockett, author of “The Help;” Grammy-winning producer Glen Ballard, and Basketball Hall of Famer Bailey Howell.

Earlier this summer, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signed legislation to remove the so-called Rebel Flag from the state capitol complex – a move that was mostly applauded, but some oppose the idea because they view the Confederate symbol as a mark of southern heritage. A lot of the prominent figures in Mississippi mostly, House Speaker Philip Gunn, the state’s Southeastern Conference football coaches, the great-great-grandson of Confederate President Jefferson Davis are already supporting the idea and believe that its high time to withdraw the Confederate symbol from Mississippi’s flag.

The Mississippi flag remains the last U.S. state banner to incorporate the controversial red, blue and white cross and stars, which has become associated with racism over the years.

The Confederate flag was waved by the pro-slavery South during the 1861-1885 American Civil War.

“The tide is turning with business leadership saying it hurts our ability to recruit corporations and with coaches saying it hurts our ability to recruit athletes”. John Horhn, D-Jackson, told The Clarion-Ledger on Saturday ( ‘The flag is a turnoff’.

Gov. Phil Bryant has noted the previous vote and said he has no plans to call a special session on the matter, according to the Clarion-Ledger.

“Think of America in 1931 and then in 1945 – that’s 14 years, and a tectonic shift in national identity”. “Think of 1961 and 1975”.


Previous reports stated that six other state flags-those of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee-contain a Confederate symbol, but Mississippi’s flag is the only one that assimilate the battle flag, which is questionably the most noticeable.

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