
Notley in Paris for United Nations climate summit

In terms of success at the meetings, Notley said the bar is pretty low.


Trudeau also takes with him in his back pocket Alberta’s sweeping new climate change strategy, introduced by Notley a week ago.

“The atmosphere doesn’t care where carbon is emitted”.

“Man is the worst enemy of man. We can see it with terrorism”, he said, after flying in from Paris where he led ceremonies on Friday to remember the victims of the 13 November terror attacks in the city.

The French President, however, did not name the countries he was referring to.

During talks on climate change, India had forcefully articulated its concerns of the developing countries in finalising a policy statement of the Commonwealth countries in dealing with climate change which is likely to have an impact in negotiations at COP21 in Paris beginning on Monday.

He said the cost of meeting such cuts were way out of line with other comparable countries.

“We are deeply concerned about the threat posed by climate change, which continues to grow and to put at risk the economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being of our member states and citizens”.

The Canadian government has been “encouraging and cajoling” other countries to step up and sign on to ambitious targets, Trudeau said.

Mr Turnbull said they had a bigger agenda than ever following “the shocking events in Paris”.

“It is therefore for human beings to face up to their responsibilities for the good of future generations”.

McKenna has said her government considers the Harper target – a 30 per cent reduction below 2005 levels by 2030 – to be the least Canada can do.

“Because this is a cause that is going to be before us for a very long time”.

The two leaders agreed to share experiences on how each of their countries meet their carbon reduction targets.

“We are focused on the plan to reduce emissions as much as we are on targets and deliverables”, Trudeau said.

Trudeau says Canada will do its part.

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, Ontario’s Kathleen Wynne, Quebec’s, Philippe Couillard, Saskatchewan’s Brad Wall and B.C.’s Christy Clark will all be with the prime minister at the conference.

Trudeau is departing a Commonwealth leaders summit in Malta where climate action dominated the agenda.

The unit will operate in the Commonwealth Secretariat and Australia will provide $2.5 million over five years towards its operation, he announced at the Commonwealth leaders’ meeting in Malta on Saturday. India is a country that could qualify for some of that funding.

“I think that [now] all the stars seem to be aligning. We can not again delay or postpone it until tomorrow”.


Australia, Britain and Canada on Friday pledged to spend billions of dollars in curbing climate change at a special session during the Commonwealth summit.

Commonwealth Heads of State Meeting- Malta- Day 2