
November 19 change-of-plea, sentencing hearing set for Fogle

Jared Fogle faced a federal court judge for the first time Wednesday in Indianapolis. She was covering the event for a local TV station. He often visited the area for work and the two became friends.


Fogle “knows that restitution can’t undo the damage that he’s done, but he will do all in his power to try to make it right”, defense attorney Jeremy Margolis told reporters. The so-called Subway Guy regularly traveled for events and promotions related to healthy living.

Rochelle Herman was the Florida newscaster who revealed Fogle had reportedly said, “Middle school girls are hot,” prompting Herman to tip off the Federal Bureau of Investigation – before working for the agency undercover.

Fogle jetted a number of occasions to New York City to have intercourse with a minimum of 2 underage young girls. “He really was preference to around the age of 11″.

“I don’t know why he set up this foundation for obese children. I actually was questioning, ‘Did I really just hear what I think I heard?’ I looked over at my cameraman … and he was just astounded”.

In the end, while she’s glad Fogle was eventually caught, Herman-Walrond felt perhaps it could’ve been done sooner. She added, “He categorically listed ways that he would develop relationships with children and entice them to do sexual things with him”. She asks parents to be aware. Walrond said, “He wanted me to arrange a party for him, a kids party”. One of the girls allegedly had sex with Fogle again after she had turned 17. And he shared his true desires. Documents show some children were illicitly filmed by Taylor changing or in the bathroom or while bathing, with the children unaware Taylor was filming them.

The chain has already started trying to erase Fogle from its history.

“I had to play a role”. Fogle, 37, commissioned the manager of his charity to produce pornography using at least a dozen underage victims. In a raid on Taylor’s home in Indianapolis, authorities found more than 400 pornographic videos of children. But Walrond wishes he could be put away for much longer. According to the court documents, Fogel was not involved in the production of the pornography, nor is there a mention of distribution.

Going through this was a personal hell for Walrond.


Last month President Obama asked entertainers to stop joking about prison rape, a frightful condition we should be fighting to eradicate-not giggle about in Adam Sandler movies (or newspaper stories). “You get the dog used to the odor and reward them as they indicate on it”. “Their lives will never be the same”, she said.

Well that is embarrassing