
Now Some Poor Kid Thinks Donald Trump Is Batman

Walker, who is known as being his own top strategist, said he wants to be the candidate for Trump supporters and others when they are done protesting and closer to voting.


Scott Walker memorably confronted protesters but ducked specifics on his immigration reform stance during a dizzying stop at the Iowa State Fair on Monday. Walker led in the early Iowa polls, but the Donald Trump boomlet caused the governor’s numbers to fall off a cliff relegating him to a distant third place.

The Des Moines Register’s Soapbox is a rite of passage for presidential candidates competing in the Iowa caucuses.

However, this gender gap is fairly typical for numerous current Republican candidates, the public opinion poll agency said. Photo by Jim Young/Reuters.

It seems that the person behind the caped crusader’s mask is none other than real estate mogul, reality TV star, US Presidential candidate, and the guy with an enormous ego (and hair) – Donald Trump!

Bush throws a baseball as he campaigns at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa, August 14, 2015. Clinton was squired through the fair by Tom Harkin, the state’s former senator who is popular among the liberals that she is struggling to attract to her campaign.

According to the Facebook-tracker Crowdtangle, Carson has a total of 3,270,574 social media interactions, topping Trump and Sanders for the week at 2,023,562 and 1,889,876, respectively.

Clinton sampled a pork chop on a stick and a lemonade. And, Trump said, the only reason the U.S. supports Saudi Arabia is because it needs the oil.

His campaign liked the confrontation so much it quickly posted a video of it on YouTube. “We will not back down, we will do what is necessary to defend the American people going forward”. Though he didn’t chime in specifically on Trump’s new proposal, Bush supports allowing people in the country illegally who have not committed major crimes, who work and follow a course such as learning English and paying fines, to stay in the United States.

“If I were him, I’d be a little nervous around a helicopter”, Wilmore said.

Continuing a feud with the state’s largest newspaper after it published an unfavorable editorial on his presidential bid, Trump said: “I don’t do that because that paper is not relevant to me”.

Trump also told reporters that he will release papers on his immigration policy on Sunday. When they see her, she says, “they understand what I will do and what I stand for”.

His criticism of Clinton was interrupted by a toy helicopter flown by a “troll” doll standing in for Trump.

Scott Walker can’t escape the divisive battles with union workers that have defined his tenure as governor – not even in Iowa.


Even so, as of Monday Walker still would not go as far as Trump on some issues. “I think it may be one of the dumbest statements I’ve ever heard”. At some point she’s got to. But Trump did interviews with reporters as he made his way through the fair, hammering Clinton as untrustworthy and predicting that the controversy over her emails would become a “serious problem” that would ultimately cause her to withdraw from the race. “And if that’s what you want out of your next president, someone who will not back down, then I ask for your vote”.

Is Donald Trump actually Batman